Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Man comes back from the Dead

An audience of 120 doctors from 50 countries sat in stunned silence as a renowned heart doctor produced evidence of how, after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer.

Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV, who serves at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, made his dramatic presentation on Friday, July 13th at the 4th Annual World Christian Doctors Network Conference in Miami, Florida.

The following is the talk given by Dr Crandall:

Dr. Crandall began by saying that the dramatic incident took place almost a year ago in West Palm Beach, Florida. "We had a fifty-three year old man who came to the emergency room with a massive heart attack and actually his heart had stopped," he said.

"The medical people had worked on him for over forty minutes in the emergency room and then declared him dead.

"They called me in to evaluate the patient towards the end of his treatment where they had unsuccessfully tried to revive him. The nurse was preparing his body to be taken down to the morgue when the Holy Spirit told me to 'turn around and pray for that man.' When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you have to respond. It's sometimes a quiet voice and this was a quiet voice and to honor the Lord I did turn around and I went to the side of that stretcher where his body was being prepared.

"There was no life in the man.

His face and feet and arms were completely black...

  "I sat next to his body and I prayed, 'Lord, Father; how am I going to pray for this man?

He's dead. What can I do?'

All of a sudden, these words came out of my mouth...

"Father, God, I cry out for the soul of this man if he does not know You as his Lord and Savior, please raise him from the dead right now in Jesus name!!!"

"It was amazing as a couple minutes later, we were looking at the monitor and all of a sudden a heart beat showed up. It was a perfect beat; a normal beat; and then after a couple more minutes, he started moving and then his fingers were moving and then his toes began moving and then he started mumbling words.

"There was a nurse in the room she wasn't a Believer and she screamed out and said 'Doctor Crandall, what have you done to this patient?' And I said, 'All I've done is cry out for his soul in Jesus name.'

"We quickly rushed the gentleman down to the intensive care unit, and the hospital was by now buzzing about the fact that a dead man had been brought back to life. After a couple of days he woke up. He had an amazing story to tell after I had asked him, 'Where have you been and where were you on that day that you had that massive heart attack? You were gone and we prayed you back to life in Jesus name.'

"He said, 'Doctor Crandall, it's the most amazing thing. I was in a dark room and there was no light. It was complete darkness and I felt I was in a casket and I kept repeating that I was so disappointed.' He said the disappointment came from the fact that none of his family, friends or colleagues, had come to visit him. Then he told me, 'All of a sudden, these men came in and they wrapped me up and they threw me in the trash.'

"Dan, he was in hell that day and as he told me that story, I cried out, 'Lord, this gentleman needs to accept You as Lord and Savior.' I then explained the salvation message to this man as he sat in that bed and I held his hand and I cried out, 'Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray that this man accepts you as his Lord and Savior right here in the intensive care unit.' He held out his hand and accepted Christ as his Savior with tears rolling down from his eyes and now he's a child of God.

"I told him, 'You never have to be thrown in the trash into total darkness now. The life of Christ is in you and the light of the kingdom of Heaven is on you now."

I asked Dr. Crandall if there had been any brain damage to the patient.

"No there was no brain damage at all; his brain was completely normal," he said. "I was most concerned about his hands because his fingers were completely black and he had some numbness in his fingers and his feet, but now that is totally resolved."

  Dr. Crandall  said he couldn't give the name of the patient because the patient had requested that it not be revealed.

"All I can say is that he was fifty-three years old and he was a car mechanic," Dr Crandall said. "He had a family who were Believers, but he left them twenty years ago because he didn't believe in the Lord. His family continued to pray for twenty years for his salvation, and his ex-wife was on her hands and knees praying for the salvation of her ex-husband, the day of his heart attack.

Friday, March 19, 2010

9/11 and it's Masonic implication

The occult signature linked to 9/11. Some pointed out how the number “11”—a number known as the “eleventh hour” or last opportunity to stop an emergency—turns up repeatedly as a ‘marker’ tied to 9/11. The phone number called during the emergency (9-11) likewise matches the date on which the Twin Towers were attacked. But in occult numerology, the number 11 means much more than this.

11 is the first Master Number and represents a dark vision. When doubled to 22, the vision is combined with action. When tripled to 33—the signal of the highest and most important action in Freemasonry—it means vision and action have combined to produce accomplishment in the world.

Is it therefore mere coincidence that exactly 11 years to the date following George H. W. Bush’s “New World Order” speech (and 11 years before 2012), on September 11, 2001, flight 11 crashed into the Twin Towers, whose appearance side by side not only formed a Masonic-like Pillared Gateway but architecturally the number 11? Also consider that Flight 11 hit the Twin Towers first and Flight 11 had 11 crew members. Flight 11 also had 92 passengers: 9+2 = 11; The date of the attack (9/11) equals the number eleven thus 9+1+1 = 11; September 11th is the 254th day of the year and 2+5+4 = 11; Following September 11th there are 111 days remaining in the year; New York was the 11th state added to the Union; New York City has 11 letters; Afghanistan, the first nation the U.S. attacked following 9/11 has 11 letters; George W Bush has 11 letters.

The Pentagon, also attacked on 9/11, has 11 letters; Flight 77—an additional twin Master Number—hit the Pentagon, which is located on the 77th meridian, and the foundation stone for the Pentagon was laid in 1941 on September 11 in a Masonic ceremony.

While numerous additional references to the number 11 exist in connection with the events of 9/11, other important dates, equally marked by the number 11, also changed the course of history. For instance, the end of World War One in 1918 occurred on the 11th day of the 11th month at exactly the 11th hour when the Armistice agreement with Germany came into effect. 

Another example is the assassination of John F. Kennedy in the Masonic Dealey Plaza on the 11th month, the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel (note the occult numerological equation again 11, 22, 33 for “vision, action, accomplishment”). More important, the Bible connects the number 11 with the coming of Antichrist in the Book of Daniel. When referring to the beast with 10 horns (Roman Empire), the prophet, as he was considering these horns, said, “there came up among them another little horn” (Dan. 7:8). According to scholars, this 11th horn is the Antichrist who will derive power from a revived Roman Empire and New World Order, which some believe was earnestly set in motion on 9/11. Lastly, in Jewish mysticism and esoteric numerology...

11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

AL NEAL Continued...

This Video will make your eyes open to the truth of what the world around you.

The Infinity Bible Code - Second talk given to the Prophesy Club by Al Neal pt.2

Al Neal's Infinity Bible Code

This is MIND Blowing information!! Bible scholar Al Neal explains how Hebrew letters have numeric values that add up to a code.  
If you desire to know if the BIBLE is the true word of ALMIGHTY GOD watch this video and you will have a hard time NOT believing the TRUTH...

Which is... That the BIBLE IS the Living Word of ALMIGHTY GOD!!!

Al Neal's Infinity Bible Code

John Ramirez At Time Square Church

John Ramirez WAS a Santeria High Priest. He became a member of Santeria (A Demon worshiping religion) 

He became a willing member at age 8.  He spent the next 27 years working his way through the ranks of

Santeria (A Demon worshiping religion) till at age 33 he sold his soul to the devil by cutting himself and signing the contract in his own blood.  After that he rose to rank of 3rd High Priest of Santeria (A Demon worshiping religion).  

He spent his days going to Christian churches looking for weak Christians to seduce to the dark side.  At age 35 his life changed forever when the SON of ALMIGHTY GOD JESUS CHRIST came into his life.  

Here is His story in His own words...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Testimonies of People That Died and Visited Hell

Testimonies of People That Died and Were in Hell for a brief few moments.


Remember This...

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. - 2 Peter 3:9

God clearly states that he does not want anyone to go to hell.

  He who keeps the commandments loves me: and he that loves me shall be loved of my Father in Heaven, and I, JESUS CHRIST will love him, and will make Myself know to him.   John 14:21

For those who scoff and say there is no such thing as Hell.  I leave you with these first hand accounts of those who have been there and returned to tell the truth!

Backsliding Christian
"Jesus spoke to the backslider again, "You should have told the truth, and you would have turned many to righteousness with God's Word, which says that all unbelievers will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone."You knew the way of the cross. You knew the way of righteousness. You knew to speak the truth. But Satan filled your heart with lies, and you went into sin. You should have repented with sincerity, not halfway. My Word is true. It does not lie. And now it is too late, too late." At that, the man shook his fist at Jesus and cursed Him."

-Mary Kay Baxter - From The Book A Divine Revelation of Hell

23 Minutes In Hell
"You desperately long for even a few moments of rest, but you never, ever get that privilege. Imagine for a moment how terrible you feel after forty eight hours of no sleep. In hell you never sleep, rest or find a quiet moment. No rest from the torments, the screams, the fear, the thirst, the lack of breath, the stench, the heat, the hopelessness. You are isolated from contact with any other people".

- Bill Wiese – Book: 23 Minutes in Hell - Bill's Testimony on video

Emergency Room
"A respiratory nurse who works in an emergency room told me about a patient who had gone “code red” – he flat lined. She and some other medical personnel rushed over with the defibrillator to try and bring him back to life. They applied the paddles and revived him. She said that he started screaming and shouting “the heat, the heat!” then his heart stopped again. They brought him back a second time. He shouted “The flames, the flames!” They lost him again. Four times the man flat lined and was brought back, each time shouting about the heat or the flames. After the last time, he died and they could not bring him back. She said all the doctors and nurses just stood there for a few minutes and stared at the body. They all knew that man went to hell."

- Mark Cahill – Book: One Heartbeat Away – markcahill.org

Journey to the Center of the Earth
"I tell you, the terror is unbelievable. With a spirit body, it cannot be frozen or burned. It simply exists with thousands of sensations, which this nervous system we own down here could not take. It is absolutely Hell. I was surrounded by demons. They seemed to be so excited they were doing a fancy rock and roll dance in honour of getting me there. Thousands of them shouted to me that I would never get out. They didn't realize I was only there for a short period, and told me I was there because I had believed their deceptions whilst I was on Earth. The stench was indescribable. It was the smell of dying and dead flesh. Satan, their captain, is of course the author of death. Jesus called them unclean spirits, and they certainly are that."

- Dr. Richard Eby - Book: Caught Up into Paradise

The Giant Worms in Hell
"There were other creatures in the sea of fire that looked like huge worms. They would come to the surface and then disappear and then return to the surface. About 20 feet from him he saw them coming to the surface and they were coming towards him. When they reached him they began boring into him and went inside his body and brain and were coming out of his eyes. They were driving him insane. There is no end to these things in hell." - From a Patients Vision of Hell by Dr. Michael Yeager

Scientists discover giant worms that feed on sulfur.

Heart Attack - James Bond Actor Curd Jurgens
"I had been looking up into the big glass cupola over the operating room. This cupola now began to change. Suddenly it turned a glowing red. I saw twisted faces grimacing as they stared down at me. Overcome by dread I tried to struggle upright and defend myself against these pallid ghosts, who were moving closer to me.I could no longer shut out the frightful truth. Beyond doubt, the faces dominating this fiery world were faces of the damned. I bad a feeling of despair, of being unspeakably alone and abandoned. The sensation of horror was so great it choked me, and I had the impression I was about to suffocate."

- From Glimpses of the Beyond: The Extraordinary Experiences of People Who Have Crossed the Brink of Death and Returned by Jean-Baptiste Delacour (1973); translated from German in 1974 by E.B. Garside

Curd Jurgens Played the Villain in the James Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me

Dark Tunnel
"Then out of nowhere, a car was coming at us at high speed, running the light. I remember my friend yelling, “Oh my God!” - just before the car hit us. I left my body. I started going down this long, dark tunnel. It was dark … so dark. I knew I was dead and I was going to hell. You couldn’t even see the hand in front of your face. I was yelling, “I don’t want to go yet! I don’t want to go yet!” I’m falling farther and farther away from the little light at the top of the tunnel above me.

Out of the dark things began grabbing at me. Long fingernails began to grab me and claw at me, trying to pull me into them. I kept screaming, “No! I don’t want to go yet!” Their grotesque mouths were open wide and their teeth were gnashing at me." - Full testimony of Debra Mc Farland

Plane Crash Skydiver
"I experienced a deep hopelessness and horror. Separation is hopelessness! External separation is a torment beyond belief. I want you to know there is a place established somewhere that is eternal separation. I was permitted to not only see, but to experience the feeling of what it would be like to be in this eternal separation. And I began to cry out to God". - Full testimony at Mickey Robinson.com

Tug of War for My Soul
"When Satan said I belonged to him, he was accusing me. He reiterated and confirmed all things I had just been shown and convicted of; he stood there making a legal argument against me. Satan pulled me back with him, and I was drawn back, I felt the torment and started screaming again."

-Craig Gottschalk -Aviation Mechanic - From the book True Stories of Those Who Have Made the Journey

A Dance With Death - Famous French Dancer Janine Charrat
"But what was now revealed to me made me cry in terror. I was alone in a strange and unfamiliar world, surrounded by huge licking flames. The flames got bigger, and their incandescent redness so glaring that I thought I would perish in fear. It really and truly had to be hell! The thick curtain of fire had to be the devil's work for how else were the leaping flames being fed? They seemed to be coming in a wild dance out of the interior of the earth, their bizarre shapes constantly changing The ground under me was incandescent, a lava-like, boiling mud."

- From Glimpses of the Beyond: The Extraordinary Experiences of People Who Have Crossed the Brink of Death and Returned by Jean-Baptiste Delacour (1973); translated from German in 1974 by E.B. Garside

48 Hours in Hell
"You are in hell," he said; for you all hope is fled. As you passed through the mountain on your way here, you heard the groans and shrieks of the lost as they called for water to cool their parched tongues. Along that passage there is a door that opens into the lake of fire. An indescribable thirst for water now seized upon me. And calling for water my eyes opened in the hospital prison."

- George Lennox 1888 - Lennox was a notorious thief in Suffolk County

Australian Goes Down Under
"As I stood there I began to sense that this wasn't just a physical darkness but that there was something else there. I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me - a spiritual darkness. From the darkness I began to hear men’s voices screaming at me telling me to "shut up" - "that I deserved to be there" - "that I was in Hell". Link to Ian McCormack's Web Site -Personal Testimony of Ian McCormack

The Thief
"This young man would constantly steal from our group home and others. He we would repent of what he did but then return to stealing again within a few days. Day by day he neared the end of the way. The night before he died I was awakened by unearthly shrieks that sounded like uncanny howls of some wild animal or some fiend. The next day when the man died I was away from home. As he lay in death throes, delighted, awful hellish demons gathered about him. When his soul was leaving his body the man seeing his captors, wept, yelled, and cried at the top of his voice in wildest terror. “Mr. Baker, help! help! come quickly! they are all about me with chains! They are binding me with chains.”

- From the book Visions Beyond the Veil - H.A. Baker

Survived High Voltage Electrocution
"I heard the most horrifying, tormenting screams imaginable. I heard these time and time again, and although I never saw who was screaming, I, myself, would scream because of the fear of those frightening screams. Besides the screaming there were also demons. Yes, there really are demons. Indescribable and most ugly things you had ever seen. They came up to me and taunted me. Yelling in my face, "We got you now!" Laughing at me saying, "We fooled you!"

- Timothy T. LaFond - Fire Engine Technician that went on to become a pastor.

The Prince of Darkness
"Then I started to hear rustling and clicking sounds next to me and I turned around and saw Satan standing right next to me. He was wearing a red and black robe and his face looked like a living skeleton. I was terrified and I tried to get away but I couldn't move. He put his face right next to mine and said he had been waiting for me and I had to go with him. I looked around for the loving light but it was gone and all I could see were ugly little creatures laughing at me. They looked like trolls or goblins." The small devils laughed in small cackling voices, and then suddenly everything stopped and I felt myself falling very fast back into my body."

-Excerpt from Colin Anderson's Personal Testimony - colinanderson1959@hotmail.com

Hangman - Attempted Suicide
"From the roof of the utility shed in my backyard I jumped to the ground. Luckily for me I had forgot the broken lawn chair that lay near the shed. My feet hit the chair and broke my fall, or my neck would have been broken. I hung in the rope and strangled. I was outside my physical body. I saw my body hanging in the rope; it looked awful. I was terrified, could see and hear, but it was different hard to explain. Demons were all around me. I could hear them but could not see them. They chattered like blackbirds. It was as if they knew they had me, and had all eternity to drag me down into hell, to torment me. It would have been the worst kind of hell, trapped hopeless between two worlds, wandering lost and confused for all eternity."

-Grayson, Bruce, and Bush, Nancy Evans. Distressing Near-Death Experiences: Psychiatry, 55:95, 1992

A Doctor's Testimony
"Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death...Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling - he looked as if his hair was "on end."

- Dr. Maurice Rawlings Specialist on Internal Medicine

A Continuous Fire
"Oh, that is the gnawing worm that never dies! Salvation once was offered me and I refused it. You laughed at them that told you of a hell; nay you were so presumptuous to dare Almighty Justice to destroy you! But then the fire you burn on earth is of a preying and devouring nature; for whatsoever it takes hold of it consumes to ashes; and when it meets with no more fuel it goes out. But here it is not so. For though it burns with that tremendous fierceness, which none but those that feel it know, yet does it not consume, nor never will. We shall ever be burning."

- John Bunyan - English Author (1628-1688), from Hell is Real, compiled by Mrs. M. A. Daoud

What They Desired
"I was shown my life course, which revealed I was without excuse. It was then I knew I was being judged and deserved my fate. Each person knew fully that they deserved his or her fate because each chose to walk away from God and now resided in a place without God as they desired during their lives on earth. God, in his great justice, fairness, and unfathomable love gave them what they desired."

-Near Death Experience of B. W. Melvin Author of, A Land Unknown: Hells Dominion

Attempted Suicide
"And I knew where I had gone wrong. I had doubted his existence. I had questioned the authenticity of the scriptures because what they claimed seemed too good to be true. I had hoped that there was truth to the idea of a Savior who had given his life for me, but I had been afraid to really believe."

-Angie Fenimore's Near-Death Experience - From the Book Beyond the Darkness

I Should Not Be Here
"In the darkness I became aware of an even more evil presence than I had already felt and there, high above anything, was this creature I just know was Satan. I didn't know what to do because this wasn't just a dream, this was reality. In my terror I screamed out, "I'm a Christian and I belong to Jesus. I shouldn’t be here", but Satan looked down and laughed a hideous laugh that I will always remember, and said, " When I tempted you, you gave in to me, you belong to me now", and at that moment I knew it was true. What could I do? There I was in Hell, with Satan, and in total despair. I had thought I was a Christian, but I had not committed my life to Jesus."

Testimony from Christine Eastell - Went into a cardiac arrest after a serious car accident.

No Light Only Darkness
"I would have loved to have been somewhere with a little red devil with a pitchfork poking me. It would have been a relief to have had physical pain, and if there was fire there would have been light. Anything to break the darkness, but this place was totally void of God. This was the pit that Jesus spoke of which is on the other side of God's all consuming lake of fire."

- David A. Smith's personal near death experience.

A Nun's Testimony
"Now, O body, you are paying the price of the delights you granted yourself!...and you did it of your own free will I saw several souls fall into Hell, and among them was a child of fifteen, cursing her parents for not having taught her to fear God nor that there was a Hell. Her life had been a short one, she said, but full of sin, for she had given in to all that her body and passions demanded in the way of satisfaction"

-Sister Josefa Menendez - From the book Way of Divine Love - 1923

Study On NDE Experiences
“A heart specialist from Chattanooga, Tennessee, has just finished a study of more than 100 patients brought back to life after being clinically dead. The Good News, he said, is that some of them had a blissful encounter with a being of light. The bad news, however, is that over half of the patients had a perfectly appalling time, walking through dimly-lit caverns and seeing fiendish figures brandishing pitchforks beside a smoking, sulfurous lake surrounded by moaning bodies. The doctor now firmly believes hell exists. Reluctantly, he said, I have come to the conclusion it may not be safe to die."

- May | June 1979 issue of Parapsychology Review

Surgical Nurse
"You're the gutsy one who talks about negative near-death experiences. Keep doing it. Don't stop." I was so startled by her comment, I momentarily slowed my pace and yelled back, "Who are you? What do you mean by that?" Her answer surprised me. "I'm a surgical nurse at a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. We have lots of near-death cases there, and almost all of them are the negative kind. You know what I mean people who wind up in hell!"

- P.M.H.Atwater, L.H.D., Ph.D - (92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10, No.3)

My Taste of Hell
"I was standing before the throne of judgment. As I knelt before God, I felt his fury. It was at that point I knew I was damned. Thankfully, the pain stopped and the line started moving again, but I knew I wasn't going to Heaven. In fact, I had been given a preview of what was in store for me and that was Hell! I was crying, and full of terror. I was going to hell, something I feared my whole life." Link to full testimony

- Personal Testimony of Deborah Taylor

No Longer An Atheist
"A wild orgy of frenzied taunting, screaming and hitting ensued. I fought like a wild man. All the while it was obvious that they were having great fun. It seemed to be, almost, a game for them, with me as the center-piece of their amusement. My pain became their pleasure. They seemed to want to make me hurt by clawing at me and biting me. Whenever I would get one off me, there were five more to replace the one."

- Personal Testimony of Howard Storm

A Description of Hell
In 1948, George Godkin of Alberta, Canada, related a despairing near-death affair in the midst of a prolonged critical illness: "I was guided to a place in the spirit world called Hell…. The darkness of Hell is so intense that it seems to have a pressure per square inch. It is an extremely black, dismal, desolate, heavy, pressurized type of darkness. It gives the individual a crushing, despondent feeling of loneliness. The heat is a dry, dehydrating type. Your eyeballs are so dry they feel like red hot coals in their sockets. Your tongue and lips are parched and cracked with the intense heat. The breath from your nostrils as well as the air you breathe feels like a blast from a furnace. The exterior of your body feels as though it were encased within a white hot stove. The interior of your body has a sensation of scorching hot air being forced through it."

Car Accident - Jewish Woman
"I was disgusted and horrified and scared... it was so ugly. The people were blackened and sweaty and moaning in pain and chained to their spots. And I had to walk through the area back to the wall. One was even chained to the evil side of the wall. The man was so skeletal and in such pain… as was another one chained by the side of wall…I wanted them to help him, but no one would and I knew that I would be one of these creatures if I stayed. I hated it there."

- The Near-Death Experience: A Reader, edited by Lee W. Bailey and Jenny Yates. (New York : Routledge, 1996; p. 224)

The Educated Chinese Student
"What’s the use of my being a Christian? I do not need to be saved. You might die suddenly in your sins, and you would go to hell the girl replied. Who are you? scoffed the student. You are a little snip of an ignorant girl, a useless beggar. What do you suppose you are trying to do? You are trying to teach me something when you are not even worthy to even talk to me. I am a university student. I am wise and I have read many books. I can speak and read English as well as Chinese. He than spat in her face and told her to mind her own business. Two weeks later, hearing a funeral commotion in the front alley, I was surprised to learn that they were carrying this university student to his burial; I had seen him on the street a few days before. One of the boys said that as they we were going out to preach, a few days earlier, he had offered this same man a tract but he would not take it. I knew nothing of this conversation the young man had with this girl. About a month later this girl began to see visions of heaven and hell.

I have no power to help you now. You are certainly in an awful plight. It is you who is worse than a beggar now; all dirty, all filthy, and suffering in the lake of fire. In fact, you look worse now than any beggar I ever saw. I thought you told me you were wise and that you had a great education. Where is your education now? When I told you about Jesus you only made fun of him and cursed me. I have no power to help you now even if you apologized."

- From the book Visions Beyond the Veil - H.A. Baker

The Gates of Hell
"Keep in mind, now - that this was a very, very tough man. He was never afraid of anyone or anything. He was a bodyguard of a very, very popular person. He'd taken gunshots before. I've heard so many instances of how people who died momentarily would come back to life to say they'd "seen a light - a tunnel of light" and how "an angel said it wasn't yet my time". This was very different. The last time he came to for a moment, he had a petrified look in his eyes. He pulled my Grandmother close and said, "They're trying to get me. They're not human. I have to get out of here!" After saying this, in his horrible condition, he tried to get out of bed.
My Grandmother told me he saw the Gates of Hell. Until now, I've never had such a positive feeling that what we do in this life can certainly affect the afterlife." - From ForumGarden

I Saw Hell
"I heard screams, as i looked deeply into the fire, i saw people, they were standing and weeping, they looked animated to how, they were burning, but they were not actually burning up. They were crying, screaming.

Some I recognized, I saw the old man that use to live down my street, he killed himself, because he apparently raped really young girls. I saw some of my old friends, they had died in a bus and car collision. They were screaming my name, i heard some one say these exact words "jenny, don't come here, don't come to this place, if you come here, there's no escape!" i stayed watching the fire, i had feelings mixed up, i was scared yet sad. I felt bad for everyone i could see, they looked like they were in tremendous pain, lonely, hurt and upset." - Jennifer

Visions of Hell

"I heard this strange noise as though i was suffocating. The next thing i know i am standing in utter darkness. I could not see a thing. I felt very out of place and was quite scared. The next thing I know I heard people, as in people moaning in utter agony and crying. I then felt like i was being attacked or more being overwhelmed by utter evil. I believe this place was hell." - Paul

I Don't Want To Die!
"I finally felt a pop as though my soul popped back into my body. My eyes opened wide and the nurse was looking down at me informing me that I had just had a heart attack. During my experience, when I knew I was dying and leaving my body I was afraid I was going to hell I never saw a light like most of the "Near Death Experiences", that I have heard" - Linda Irene Johnson