Thursday, October 27, 2011

'Jesus is coming real soon!'

Emma was bathed in prayer from the time she was in the womb. Her parents and both sets of grandparents are strong Christians. Still, when she began to point at angels and talk about them to her parents, they weren’t quite sure what to think.

It started about a year ago, when she first began to talk. “Every morning when I would get her up she would point up at the ceiling and say, ‘Look momma, there’s angels up there,’” says Caitlyn Sukut, her mother. “I thought, ‘How cute, how sweet.’” Emma seemed to be seeing things she could not see.

“Is she imaging something?” Caitlyn wondered. “It’s hard to know what a two and a half year old is talking about,” she admits. “I don’t know how much is in her imagination and how much she’s really seeing.”

After naps, Emma would talk about the angels. “What does the angel look like?” Caitlyn asked. “She looks like auntie,” Emma replied, referring to Caitlyn’s 16-year-old sister, Hannah.

Several months ago they had their first airline flight with Emma. “Look at the angels, momma,” Emma said. “They are coming with us to help get us there and to protect us.”
“When Emma first started talking about this, I had not taught her about angels,” Caitlyn notes. “I never told her angels protect us.”

Several weeks ago, Caitlyn went into Emma’s room when she first awakened. “How did you sleep, Emma?”

“I slept great,” she said. “The angels and Jesus came,” Emma replied.

“Oh, what did they say?” mom asked.

Emma said. “Jesus is coming, momma. Jesus is coming real soon.”

From the mouth of babes...