Sunday, October 22, 2017

Blessed Bartolo Longo

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 Blessed Bartolo Longo

 Blessed Bartolo was raised in a faithful Catholic family. Unlike most saints, Bartolo spent his misbegotten 20's as a Satanic priest.

Born in 1841, Bartolo Longo lost his mother when he was only 10. From that time, he grew more and more distant from his Catholic faith. When he began university studies in Naples, at the University where St. Thomas Aquinas himself had studied, he was eager to enter fully into the experience of a secular university. In mid-19th-century Italy, that meant anti-clericalism, atheism, and ultimately the occult. 

Bartolo began attending séances, experimented with drugs, and even got involved in orgies. He lured people away from the Catholic faith, publicly ridiculing the Church of his childhood. Before long, the newly minted lawyer was “ordained” a priest of Satan. As a Satanic bishop intoned blasphemous words, the walls of the room shook and disembodied screams terrified those in attendance.

Because of the influnce of the evil one, Bartolo soon became mired in paranoia and dark visions. Mercilessly driven to madness by the infernal spirits who tormented him night and day Bartolo bgan to desire death over life.  Even with these hellish attacks Bartolo clung to his Satanic practices.  Thankfully for him his family was relentless in their daily prayers for his deliverance from the enemy. 

As with the great Saint Augustine, the faithful prayers of Bartolo’s family finally tore down the wall of anger and sin that Bartolo had built around himself. One night, he heard the voice of his dead father crying out to him, “My dear son return to the one true and Almighty God!” 

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Shaken, Bartolo visited a friend who lived nearby, Professor Vincenzo Pepe. When Pepe realized what had become of Bartolo, he cried, “Are you mad? Do you want to die in an insane asylum and be damned forever?”  Pepe’s courage in pointing out the self-inflicted mortal danger his friend was in woke Bartolo from his demonic fog. It was only then that he agreed to meet with a Dominican priest, Fr. Alberto Radente.
Fr. Alberto worked slowly on the young lawyer, encouraging him to make a thorough confession. 

After a month of stringent moral and spiritual direction, Bartolo was finally absolved and began his work of drawing people back to Christ. He stood up in the middle of cafés and student parties and denounced occult practices. He served the poor and instructed the ignorant; after six years of such work, he pronounced vows as a lay Dominican, on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Then, cleansed and consecrated, Bartolo visited one last séance. He walked in, held up a rosary and called out, “I renounce spiritualism because it is nothing but a maze of error and falsehood.”

But for all he had been absolved, Bartolo, like most of us, struggled with memories of his past. He felt unworthy of God’s forgiveness, certain that he was impure, permanently marred by his sin. One day, while collecting rent from the destitute farmers around Pompeii, Bartolo  felt hounded by his former way of life. Privately, to himself Bortolo despaired...

“Despite my repentance, I thought: I am still consecrated to Satan, and I am still his slave and property as he awaits me in Hell. As I pondered over my condition, I experienced a deep sense of despair and almost committed suicide.”

In that moment, Bartolo was reminded of the simple and pure rosary of his childhood. He was reminded of the love of the Blessed Mother. He felt Our Lady tell him that his path to heaven was through teaching others to pray the Rosary.
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Bartolo moved to Pompeii, where he began Rosary groups, organized Marian processions, and began work on a shrine to Our Lady of the Rosary. His work was funded by the Countess di Fusco, with whom he worked so closely that rumors began to spread about the nature of their relationship. Though Bartolo had taken a private vow of chastity, he was encouraged by Pope Leo XIII to marry the countess for the sake of the work; the two entered into a celibate marriage and continued to serve the poor.

For more than 50 years, Bartolo preached the Rosary, founded schools for the poor, established orphanages for the children of criminals, and transformed a city of death to a city dedicated to the living Mother of God. At his beatification, St. John Paul II, himself perhaps the most Marian pope since St. Peter, proclaimed Blessed Bartolo Longo “a Man of Mary.”

Blessed Bartolo Longo was a vile, degenerate, blasphemous Satanic priest. But this is his legacy: blessed, soon canonized. 

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On October 5, his feast day, let’s ask Bartolo's intercession for all those who think they’re beyond hope, or that their purity can never be restored and their lives never be made whole, or that they’ve lost their chance at holiness. 

May they join the ranks of murderers, addicts, and Satanists whose halos shine undimmed around the throne of the unblemished Lamb of God. Blessed Bartolo Longo, pray for us.

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Monday, October 16, 2017

A Life Worth Emulating Isaac Hecker

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Born in New York City in 1819, Isaac Hecker grew up in a German-Methodist household. He would stick with this religion only until his teenage years, when he started to distance himself from the Christian denomination. 

At the time Hecker was more interested in work and politics, though he still considered himself a Christian. Together with his two brothers, Hecker devoted all of his time to a political campaign during 1837. However, the campaign failed and left Hecker with a sour taste for politics.

He continued to struggle with God’s plan for his life, and tried to search for his place in the world. At first he turned to philosophy and studied such figures as Hegel and Kant. Then in 1842 Hecker started to have mystical visions. He wrote about one such heavenly vision that changed his approach to the world.
I saw (I cannot say I dreamt for it was quite different from dreaming since I was seated on the side of my bed) a beautiful angelic, pure being and myself standing alongside of her, feeling a most heavenly pure joy. And it was if our bodies were luminous and they gave forth a moon-like light, which I felt sprang from the joy that we experienced. 
The vision only made him more restless and he turned to a popular Christian preacher and philosopher at the time named Orestes Brownson. Brownson mentored Hecker for several years, but then started to question his own religion and began investigating the Catholic Church.

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Influenced by Brownson’s change of direction, Hecker also researched the Catholic Church and felt drawn to it. Through a series of events and encounters, Hecker felt God calling him to be a Catholic priest.

In the meantime Brownson converted to the Catholic faith, marking the final straw in Hecker’s search for God. Hecker met with a local bishop who helped him make the final leap of faith.

After a few weeks of religious instruction Hecker was baptized in the Catholic Church in 1844. He wrote afterwards, “The Catholic Church is my star, which will lead me to my life, my destiny, my purpose.”

Hecker eventually joined the Redemptorists and was ordained a priest in 1849. After spending several years abroad, Hecker returned to New York City and gave parish missions across the nation. He was an excellent preacher, attracting thousands of people wherever he went.
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A few years later Hecker felt called to establish a new Redemptorist house in America. His request was denied and his apparent “disobedience” resulted in an expulsion from the order. At first he fought the expulsion in Rome, but then discussed with the Holy Father the founding of a new order that would work for the conversion of America.

Upon his return to the United States in 1858 Hecker gathered his friends and established the Missionary Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, more commonly known as the Paulists. It was a new congregation devoted to preaching missions and featured an apostolate to non-Catholics.

For the rest of his life Hecker devoted himself to preaching and spreading the Gospel through the modern means of technology. He died on December 22, 1888, in Manhattan.

Hecker’s extraordinary life inspired many after his death, and his cause for canonization was officially opened on January 25, 2008.

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