Wednesday, January 13, 2010

BRAVO' Brit Hume

'The two most explosive words in the English language are Jesus Christ. You start talking about Jesus Christ and all hell breaks loose...Brit Hume

Brit's courage is an example to us all.  In a business so full of ill-mannered, dishonest and shameless glory-seekers, Brit Hume is the real deal:  a consummate professional and gentleman.  And even better, he is a genuine believer who is unafraid and unashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

This past week about Brit Hume's remarks on the Fox News Sunday program in which he told Tiger Woods he should turn to the Christian faith to receive forgiveness, be restored and be a great example to the world.

Later on The O' Reilly Factor, Hume went on to say that what Tiger needs is a genuine conversion, and if he experiences such a miracle, as other public figures who have fallen hard and then altered their lives' course by turning to follow Christ (Chuck Colson was mentioned), then we, the public, would know it by the evidence of his life. We would witness his conversion and know it was real by the fruits of his life thereafter.

All I can say is BRAVO' Brit Hume for your candor and love for your fallen brother Tiger Woods. You KNEW this would cost you greatly and still you had the CHRIST like love to go forth in a fallen world and offer the only TRUE redemption there is, the DIVINE MERCY, LOVE, and FORGIVENESS of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

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