Friday, April 2, 2010

Islam is a Lie from Hell

Islam in the words words of a Muslim...

Muslim activists in the West have been using the tactic of claiming that they worship the same god as the Christians in order to gain legitimacy and acceptance. They have been using the name "God" in place of "Allah" in many translations of the Qur'an.
Muslims DO NOT pray to the same God (Yahweh/ Jehovah of Holy Scripture) of Christians and Jews!  Yahweh 
Before Muhammad the Arabs had 365 gods - one for each day of the year.  Muhammad picked Allah (the Arab moon god).

They claim the founder of Islam is a prophet named Muhammad...however Muhammad himself says he is not a prophet and has never personally heard from fact Muhammad who heard voices thought himself it was from evil spirits....his wife encouraged him to change his mind and claim God had spoken to him...
      Muhammad was a pedophile, having sexual relations with a 6 year old and 9 year old girl.
  Muhammad was a thief, a liar, a murder

Muhammad performed no miracles, 

spoke no prophecies 

and died in the arms of the 9 year old girl he was having sex with...

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