Thursday, July 14, 2011

Former Witch Doctor declares Jesus Lord

Daily persecution is a part of life for all true Christian's living in Asia.
Jesus promised His followers that the world would hate and persecute them.  Asian Christian missionaries have come to know the harsh reality of Jesus' words.

Beatings, death threats, imprisonment, job loses, finical ruin, and abandonment are a few of the things they encounter on a daily basis.   Despite great hostility and physical violence they continue to proclaim that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life to the unsaved souls of Asia.  In the face of life threatening opposition these gentle Christian Souls are not willing that any man should perish without hearing the saving grace of the name of Jesus Christ. 

One of these Souls trapped by many generations of worshiping demon spirits was freed by the bravery of Christian missionaries.   Her name was Avani.   Known throughout her village in Jharkhand, India, as the local witch doctor.   Avani was taught at ayoung age by her mother, who was taught by her mother that healing came from interacting with the shadow spirits who would only come if blood and sacrifices were offered.   These shadow spirits Avani's mother taught, were supposed to increase her knowledge and insight.

Yet, often the shadow spirits caused more pain and suffering then they relieved.  Avani, for all her hidden knowledge and supernatural power had no peace or joy in her life.  Avani was tormented constantly by these evil spirits, who would scream and shout without ceasing for days on end.   Sometimes,  the shadow spirits would cause her to behave violently or strike people in the village with blindness.  Each time the shadow spirits would demand bloody sacrifices or the murder of innocents as payment before the shadow spirits would lift the curses.  Again and again Avani was forced to go into the deep forest and commit depraved acts, just to keep the shadow spirits anger at bay. 

Avani wanted to be delivered; but the more she strived, the more they would attack her or the people in her village.   Then, by chance a young Christian girl on a missionary trip in Asia witnessed to Avani and encouraged her to come to a tent revival being held in the large town just a few miles from Avani's village. 

Hoping ,against hope, Avani attended the Christian missionary to the tent revival. For 3 days the Christian missionaries prayed for Avani and for her village.  to the Christian missionaries many odd things, unexplainable things, happened over those 3 days.  On the 3rd day a great deluge fell from the sky.   It looked as if the tent revival was going to be washed away by the driving rain.   Avani could see the shadow spirits flying back and forth among the clouds agitating the clouds to pour forth more rain. When Avani told the Christian Pastor what was happening and why the rain was falling so unnaturally hard.  The Christian Pastor asked all the Christians present to raise their hands to the sky and begin to praise and worship in the name of JESUS CHRIST who is Lord of all creation.  Within 60 seconds Almighty God answered in a powerful way.

The rains stopped as if someone turned off a tap and the sun came out and a massive rainbow bloomed, stretching from one end of the sky to the other.   Avani watched as the shadow spirits fled in terror as a man clothed in the sun stood directly over the missionary camp with his hands outstretched as if he was blessing them.

This was the first time Avani had ever seen the shadow spirits afraid or ever seen them run, from anything!  

With this clear demonstration of both the Divine Love and Eternal Dominion of JESUS CHRIST Avani surrendered her life to JESUS CHRIST and was completely transformed.

Her husband and children were astounded at the change in her life and the inner light which now flowed from Avani.  Soon, they too surrendered their lives to JESUS CHRIST and they too began to attend the church.

Despite all the obstacles of living in a country, region, continent populated with unbelievers Avani has remained true to her savior JESUS CHRIST!

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