Friday, September 9, 2011

Revealing Heaven by at Kerr

God has lifted the veil between Heaven and Earth. Caught up by the Spirit of God, Kat Kerr was taken on tours of Heaven for over 10 years and now commissioned to reveal the truth through an ILLUSTRATED book. 

The Foreword (a prophetic Word from God) was dictated to the author by two Scribe Angels. Through the ten illustrations in Volume I of Revealing Heaven, you will visit The Portal, where the Redeemed in Heaven go to view their loved ones on Earth, you will see The Rush, Heaven's largest roller coaster and visit the Nurseries for miscarried and aborted babies; and MUCH MORE!

This book also explains God's design for Earth, which is a SHADOW of Heaven. Besides detailed descriptions of the mansions she walked through, Kat shares about three individuals (one a teenager) she saw while in Heaven and how this information impacted their families upon her return to Earth.

I personally read this entire first book in one sitting. I could not put it down. At one point I read about Almighty GOD'S love for HIS children. My heart skipped a beat and my Spirit actually leapt in my chest. At that moment I wanted nothing more then to go home and be with my Heavenly Father!!!


God’s Design - Earth is a Shadow of Heaven I would like to begin by explaining what God told me, that earth is a copy of Heaven. In other words, most of what is here on earth already exists in Heaven. It is not a flat place in the sky, floating around covered in clouds with fat baby angels dropping grapes into our mouths. It is a literal ‘world’; round, just like earth, only huge in proportion! Hebrews 8:5 talks about things on earth being a shadow and type of what is in Heaven. Many things here have always been there, only perfect! No death, decay, rust or pollution at all! Everything is beautiful - almost beyond description. God-inspired ideas eventually made it into the mind of man and were then invented here on earth. All ‘good’ things created came down from the Father (James 1: 17).

It is our enemy, satan, who has perverted and defiled things on this earth and he uses people to promote and desire these wicked things. There is neither evil nor its influence in Heaven. There are also many things in Heaven that have not yet been invented here. We only use a small percentage of our brain power, but in Heaven we will be unhindered and creativity will be fantastic. There are places in Heaven where we will actually learn to create. One of the places of education is called ‘Creation Lab’ which will be discussed in Volume II.

Earth and Heaven operate in two different realms. Our natural ‘physical’ eyes cannot see into the ‘spirit’ realm (unless God opens them); but the ‘spirit’ realm can see everything in our ‘physical’ world. This earth operates in a ‘physical’ realm because we have physical bodies. However, inside your body is a spirit, which operates in Heaven (which is a ‘spirit’ realm) in the same manner as on earth. You can touch, taste and smell things just like on earth, only in Heaven all of your senses are magnified. It is actually hard to tell whether you are there in spirit or in your body because you do still have these senses and you experience emotions; you do not become a robot!

When you die and go there, you do not become ‘invisible’, able to pass through things, nor do you turn into angels. God’s word in Hebrews 11:16 talks about Heaven being a city and a country, just like on earth. There is an awesome city where the river flows from under the throne and another area I saw had miles of countryside. Many of the people living up there refer to this as the ‘park’. It is definitely different from the city I visited in Heaven. The park is where you can see every species of animal ever created; including the dinosaurs which roam the hills (they all eat grass, or at least it seemed to me they were eating it). There are beautiful meadows, hills, creeks, waterfalls, trees and the most glorious flowers you could ever imagine. Some of the flowers change colors and even make music. Many people have their own ‘secret’ gardens that they design and tend; either for their own enjoyment or as a surprise for a loved one when they get to Heaven. The city, where the throne room and river of life are, is magnificent.

Everything reflects the glory (light) of God which is why the streets of gold’ are transparent, so they will reflect His light. I have only seen a small part of it, but there were people going into buildings and stores. Heaven has a lot of activity! I saw different styles of transport vehicles, which all run on ‘light’ — it is the only source of fuel other than the wind that blows the sails in the big ships on the crystal sea. People travel across Heaven in many different ways - air transport, ground (yes, they still have chariots and some even come with hyper-drive) and on the sea in all types of vessels, Mostly, I saw individuals using ‘public’ transportation in groups, but I definitely saw individuals piloting or operating these vehicles by themselves too. I have only briefly experienced ‘thought’ travel, where you just ‘think’ of going somewhere and you are suddenly there. It may not have been me at all, but rather accomplished through the angelic beings who escorted me.

I did see people get onto a ‘moving’ path, so that is another way you move about in Heaven. I saw restaurants, art galleries, sports arenas, movie theatres and even an amusement park. One of the best things about Heaven is that you do not need money to ‘purchase’ things, everything is free, because it is ‘given’. Everyone has ‘assignments’ rather than jobs and they are always connected to your particular gift, which makes it a joy to do. You receive no ‘payment’ for your efforts but money would be useless there, since everything you need or want is given to you. In this way, all skills and talents are used to benefit everyone!

Some of these places will be thoroughly discussed later in chapters of this book and others in Volumes II or III. The interesting part is how I found out that these things and places existed. I was just as delighted and surprised as you will be to find out what God has created for all who will live there. It really makes sense that if we were made in God’s image, the earth would be made in Heaven’s image. There are, however, many ‘supernatural’ things and places there that will challenge our mortal brains. I was so overwhelmed that usually I did not think to ask, “What is that”? Both Holy Spirit and the angels told me that Heaven is always increasing and adding new things for our enjoyment! God wants to bless His people and one of the ways He expresses love is by creating things that will delight us. His word declares in Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord: and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

No one will want to miss going to Heaven, and the alternative, Hell, (which will be discussed in chapter 9) is not to be desired by anyone! God is the Great Creator and Heaven is His home, so why wouldn’t it be exciting and fascinating to live there? I pray you will be encouraged to know where your loved ones are living and some of the places they are enjoying, so let the journey begin!

The Rest of Book 1 is at this link:

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