Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can Christians go to Hell?

In 1982, I had an accident in which I died.   As death came over me, I felt everything become dark.   I found myself walking through a dark tunnel, and some kind of being was taking me.   While we walked in this cold and dark tunnel, I began to hear horrific screams and moans, and an intense fear was growing inside of me.   I knew that, although my body was already dead, I was somehow still alive in this place.
I saw large snakes moving all around, and all the people were crying out for water.   Soon we arrived at an open plateau, which had many chambers and divisions, each contained different people inside.   I began to cry out with terror, begging God for mercy.   "Lord, remember my life! Have mercy!" Sheer terror was gripping my soul, and my whole life was passing before my eyes.   As we approached some door, I shouted again, "Have mercy on me my Lord; have mercy on me! I beg you to help me! Help me Lord!!" 

I felt like I was going to be destroyed, but as the moments passed, God’s voice became softer, "Come and I will show you the things going on in this place that are waiting for all who haven't been willing to follow My way and have walked after the imaginations of their own hearts."
We then went to a place where I saw a woman was sitting in a rocking chair.   There were still terrifying moans coming from all over that place.   At first, she seemed ok, but then her body transformed into a witch, and she screamed in agony, burning in flames.   She begged for mercy, but the Lord said to me "The wages of sin is death, and those who arrive in this place will never get out again." (Romans 6:23)

The Lord showed me many disobedient people, many who were once part of a Christian Church.   They were crying out and begging for mercy, but there was no mercy.   Mercy could only be found while a person is still alive on Earth.   Once people are dead, mercy cannot be reached anymore, as it says, "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)

Jesus also showed me a place with some kind of boiling oil, and there were people suffering inside, burning in flames and trying to get out.   But demons would throw them back in.   

We walked until we came to a place with people that had once listened to the word of God, but never wanted to repent.   

I even saw pastors, evangelists, believers and missionaries.   They were all there for different reasons.   I saw one pastor who never believed in the power of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, healings or the baptism of the Holy Ghost.   (Mark 3:29) He was begging for mercy, and just one more chance tell the world that speaking in tongues is real, that that the Holy Ghost is real, and that there is real freedom in the gospel.   But it was too late for him; he could never get out, even though he was a pastor.   His chance to repent was only possible on Earth.

I also saw a missionary in Hell.   He was there because he asked for money to open a mission in Africa, but he kept half the money for himself.   Now he begs for mercy and another chance to return the money that wasn’t his.   When he saw that Jesus could not help him, he cursed Jesus.
I saw people that were once inside the church praising God.   Now they only cry out for mercy for their un-repented sins, they lost their chance to repent after they died.   I saw pastors there who robbed tithes and offerings from their churches.   They also begged to undo all their bad works, but there was no more chance.

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