Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life begins at Conception

You've heard of pets waking up their owners to the fact that their home is on fire? Well, this baby appears to have known something wasn't right.
(Atlanta, GA)—You've heard of pets waking up their owners to the fact that their home is on fire, or alarming someone that there is something seriously wrong with their master?

preborn babyWell, Sara McDonald was almost 8 months pregnant when, while deep asleep one night, her baby kicked her so hard it woke her up.

That, in itself, isn't unusual. What is remarkable, is that upon awakening, Sara discovered that her husband Thomas, in bed next to her, had stopped breathing, had no pulse, and was turning purple from lack of oxygen.

Subsequently, Sara reportedly called 911 and performed CPR on her husband until help arrived. When officers arrived, they say it appeared Thomas was "deceased," but efforts to resuscitate him eventually proved successful.

McDonald was quoted as calling it a "miracle" and said, "It's like my baby saved my husband's life. And he's not even here yet and he saved his dad's life. It's an amazing feeling and I don't think anyone else can say that."

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