Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Aunt went to hell

This is a heart wrenching story because it is true.  A woman is contacted by Her Aunt who died recently.  Her Aunt cries out from hell telling her that the torment and suffering is so horrible that she would do ANYTHING to be given another chance.  The young woman actually has a 2nd dream where the LORD shows her what it looks like where her Aunt is in HELL.  The Aunt is laying in a cave filled with burning heat and filth.  Listen to this woman speak of what she saw and how her Aunt is writhing in agony because she NEVER repented of her sins.  She wasn't a murder, a baby killer, she just simply NEVER lived a Christian life and now she is in HELL for eternity.

Pert 2

These videos are very sad because this woman is now in HELL and will be there for the rest of eternity.  If you love ANYONE at all, even just a little bit, tell them about JESUS CHRIST and save them from an eternity in HELL.

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