Tuesday, May 22, 2012

JESUS is the Only way to Heaven

For a period of 23 hours, a young Ecuadorian girl named Angelica was shown the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and the Return of Christ. She witnessed Jesus weeping as He overlooked multitudes of souls lost forever, a world that has rejected Him, a Church that is mostly unprepared for Him, a people that have stopped witnessing to the lost, and an entertainment industry that even lures young children to satan.

A transcript: http://spiritlessons.com/Documents/Prepare_to_meet_your_God/index.htm

For those who want to know how to avoid hell, the plan of salvation is as easy as ABC...

A- Admit you are a sinner. (Romans 3:10; 23)

B- Believe that Jesus died for your sins. (Romans 5:8)

C- Confess your sins asking Jesus to forgive you for them (I John 1:8-9) and to become the Lord (director) of your life. (Romans 10:9-10)

D- Develop your relationship with God from the truth of the Bible (John 17:17) and through daily prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

E- Evangelize: Share this plan with everyone you know and love. As well as those who despise you and hate you.  Even those whom you dislike share with them the saving love of JESUS CHRIST the Risen LORD!

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