Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This Pastor was rejected by God - Howard Pittman (Heaven Testimony)

Howard Pittman had a internal hemorrhage and died in the Ambulance in 1979. He saw saints who were heading to heaven. Many others were going to hell. Even though he was a pastor, God was not happy what he had done for God. We have love Jesus with all our heart. We have to put a priority to Jesus. Lukewarm Christians will not be accepted by God. We have to be a true Christian.

I just watched this Testimony and I was struck deep in my heart that I was not the Christian I thought I was.   I thought all the good works I was doing was going to get me on the good side of Almighty GOD.  I thought the fact that everyone knew I was a Christian meant that I was a Christian.  I often tell everyone about how much of a Christian I am.  I make sure everyone knows that I go to Church 6 days a week.  I tell my Boss..."I can't work Sundays because I am a Christian."

After watching this video I realized that I am a Christian in name only.  My works CANNOT save me.  People's opinion of me can not save me.  My empty and vain declaration that "I am a Christian!" CANNOT save me.  Nothing that I do or say can save me from the fires of HELL. 

A true, surrendered , honest, living, humble, dedicated, relationship with the Risen Lord JESUS CHRIST is simply the beginning.  

In the end it is only the shed blood of JESUS CHRIST and HIS most Divine Mercy which can save me. 

JESUS CHRIST forgive me for all my works, false words, and empty promises.  Please LORD JESUS CHRIST take my hand, wash me clean, fill me with your most HOLY SPIRIT and show me the way.  Carry me if you must but please save me from the fires of hell and lead me home to my Father who Art in Heaven!

Glory and Honor be to the Lord of Hosts, the Creator of all things seen and unseen, forever and ever....Amen

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