Thursday, June 7, 2012

Percy Collett went to Heaven

Percy Collett went to heaven & brought back encouraging insights as to what Heavens like, as well as a few warnings he was suppose to give. He recieved the baptisim of the HOLY SPIRIT at a young age.  THE HOLY SPIRIT came to him at a Tent meeting as a Huge ball of Fire. After being baptized by the HOLY GHOST he went about the tent touching other people who were INSTANTLY filled with the HOLY GHOST.   He went on to meet Smith Wigglesworth and pray with him.  I can affirm what I have listened to thus far is very compelling and true. It is a 3 hour testimony, so I downloaded it to my Iphone and listen to it while I am driving.

One thing Percy Collett states strongly is that JESUS CHRIST the Divine Son of Almighty GOD has stated empirically that the time is so short that ANY second HE could appear in the skies to gather HIS people. 

Come LORD JESUS CHRIST your people await you with open arms!

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