Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jesus is speaking to the Children of HIS Soon Return

Testimonies of Children having Rapture Dreams... 

"My son Ebuka is 11 years old and will be graduating elementary school by July 13th. He woke up about 2 weeks ago and narrated how " a week or two after his graduation ceremony, there was a VERY LOUD trumpet sound that immediately pulled people away into the sky.  He said that the noise was so loud that the whole world heard it. Since then my son has been on the edge and insists that it will happen even today. His guess is end of July or early August. I am praying that this is TRUE!"

Another Writes...

Tonight on the drive home from my Mother and Father-in-law's house, my son (who is five) suddenly announced, "When I go up in the sky, I'm going to have a different name. My name is going to change." So we asked him if he knew what his new name is, and he said, "I don't know, but I'm going to be big like Daddy!" I'm telling you, I nearly stopped breathing. I have not talked with my son about the Rapture, and I am sure that I have never told him that we will have a new name in heaven. Light-heartedly we asked him more and he said " he was going to the fifth sky." and that it takes about three or four minutes to get there. :D We asked him when he was going there and he said he didn't know."

Another Writes...

My daughter just turned 9 and had her first Rapture dream!
She smiled when she told me.
She said,"When we get raptured,it gets very bright.It's a very powerful light."
I was amazed at this;especially since I didn't tell her about brightness occurring at the Rapture.  'From the mouths of babes..."

Another Writes...

I also had a dream a few weeks ago where I woke up and I could tell it was very bright outside although I knew it was after midnight. I got out of bed and went into the next room where I questioned a "presence" about the brightness and the "presence" said I was right, it is just after midnight and I should go outside and look. So I did. And looking up into the sky to my right I saw a humongous Jesus standing by a humongous white horse. After waking up for real, the thought going through my head was...
-It's later than you think. "

Another Writes...

"Out of the mouth of babes" My granddaughter spent the night last summer. In middle of the night she woke up upset because she couldn't find me. I had moved to the couch. As I finally got her settled down she said to me that she had a dream of going up to the ceiling. I asked her what happened then. She said I went thru the ceiling an into another house.Well my mind went to rapture..mind you at this tine she is only 2 1/2 yrs old. I ask the Lord for a confirmation. It came several months later. I have a picture of Yeshua taped up over my bed. We were laying down snuggling looking at the Jesus picture when she said..."Gramaw, when I go thru the ceiling to Jesus house I'm afraid I will bump my head."     Just last month I ask her if she wanted to ask Jesus to live in her heart. She was ecstatic an quickly agreed & we said a little prayer. She is 3 1/2 now."

Another Writes...

"Praise God!!!!! An 11 year old just walked in the room just now and told me "I had a dream last night.  Jesus told me we had only 2 or 3 more weeks till the Rapture" and that's all he said about his dream :D"

Another Writes...

Last year around the end of August I was staying with a friend for 2 weeks. One morning his 5 year old daughter woke up and came to see where I was.  She looked at me with the most perplexed look on her face and said "I dreamed you disappeared to Heaven." and then turned right around and went back to bed."

On July 31st a Wonderful Readers to this site Posted this addition to Children's Dreams of the Rapture

beck Wrote:
July 31, 2012 3:15 PM
My 5 year old had a beautiful dream a couple weeks ago. She said that "a colorful train pulled up in the front yard. The conductor got out and yelled "all aboard!" The 5 of us got in and the train went down the street and the train went up a ramp into the sky and over the clouds. Then the train stopped and the conductor yelled "off the board!" and we got off and the place was very colorful and there was a table full of a rainbow of food.

Then the other night she kept asking "Are we going to heaven tomorrow?"

Carlos Mwangi, a believer from Nairobi, Kenya wrote:

"...I was in the city center of Nairobi city, I had been sent by my mother to do some errands and I was now on my way back home.
As I was criss-crossing shoulder to shoulder I suddenly looked down for I felt very uneasy with my left shoe so I bent down to adjust.
I was very aware of my surroundings suddenly standing up I just froze and looked up and then leveled my head where I could see cars.
They all began crashing simultaneously and there were people falling at the same time because all over, graves were opening.
Directly above, to the direction I was facing, I saw a big angel with big triangular curved elegant wings with a golden trumpet standing in front of the other angels, and the line of these angels stretched back as far as I could see and he blew the trumpet a second time.
Then I turned to the opposite direction and I saw people flying towards a center and there was JESUS with ANGEL MICHAEL at his side.
It's then that I realized that the heavenly citizens were on opposite sides of the sky.
The music from the trumpet was sweet and loud and did not hurt my ears.
I don't remember the tune but it was inviting pulling me up to the clouds.
THE ARCH ANGEL who had the trumpet in front seemed to blow it continuously blowing a long key and the others behind him seemed to play Music but it was pure harmony all the same..the sky light was so bright like golden yellowish color.
It was around 6:00PM and it was a Saturday.
I noticed that people seemed confused at the noise, others were hysterical, as if demon possessed, because they held their ears and screamed in agony.
It then vanished as quick as it had started..."

 Lord Jesus Please Come NOW!

1 comment:

  1. My 5 year old had a beautiful dream a couple weeks ago. She said that a colorful train pulled up in the front yard. The conductor got out and yelled "all aboard!" The 5 of us got in and the train went down the street and the train went up a ramp into the sky and over the clouds. Then the train stopped and the conductor yelled "off the board!" and we got off and the place was very colorful and there was a table full of a rainbow of food.

    Then the other night she kept asking "are we going to heaven tomorrow?"
