Monday, July 16, 2012

Ronnie Posey, a man who died three times

Dead to Live Again

Dead to Live Again front cover
This is the miraculous story of Ronnie Posey, a man who died three times after being hospitalized for heart surgery in 2002. It is the story of the extraordinary faith of his wife Helen, who believed that God would raise him from the dead, and how she refused to have him disconnected from life support, even after doctors said it was time to bury him.
The third time Ronnie died, his soul and spirit entered Paradise. After spending 34 days there, God told him that he would return to Earth and tell what he saw.

  • What is the difference between Heaven and Paradise?
  • What does this place look like?
  • Who is there right now? What are they doing there now?
  • Do your loved ones who have died and are in Paradise know what is happening on Earth?
  • Where did your spirit come from?
  • What did God mean when He said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you?"
  • What happens to babies when they die?
  • What about aborted babies, and others who die before they have a chance to be born?
  • Is there really a place called Hell? Who goes there?
  • How can you know with certainty that you will spend eternity with the One True God who created you?
Perhaps the most startling section of the book answers the question:
  • What happens to good, moral people who die without hearing a clear Gospel message of redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ?
  • What is this valley of decision that is mentioned in Joel 3:14?
  • What will happen on Judgement Day?
The most powerful message for the believer today is answered in the question:
  • How can you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God, and live a Psalm 91 life, so that the enemy cannot touch you?
Ronnie Posey answers questions that not only Christians have, but also people who are involved in other religions and forms of spirituality. For those who are searching, this book will answer questions that might have kept you from accepting the Christian faith as true and authentic.

Ronnie Posey writes that you will begin to see people as God sees them, and gain a clear understanding of the grace, mercy, and love of God for all of His creation. You will know without a doubt that you are so important to God that He does not want you to perish, but to accept the gift of salvation and receive eternal life.

Ronnie died for the fourth and final time on May 14, 2011 and went home to be with his heavenly Father. He was 68. He would have reached his 70th birthday on April 5, 2013.

Here is a website with the last 4 Chapters of the book in AUDIO format so you can actually listen to the Chapters of the Book which are:

Chapter 1: Growing Up on Pepper Street
 Chapter 2: Opposites Attracted
 Chapter 3: A Tumultuous Life
 Chapter 4: Standing on the Word
 Chapter 5: Dead for the Third Time
Chapter 6: Thirty-four days in Paradise
Chapter 7: What you see, you will tell
Chapter 8: The abode of the dead
Chapter 9: The rest of the story

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