Thursday, July 12, 2012

Spiritual Victory over Demonic Oppression

To Brenda: 

 Spiritual Deliverance is real!

Trusting and seeking JESUS CHRIST has changed my life and FINALLY I have victory.

I have been under the same oppression as you Brenda.   It was the Divine Mercy of JESUS CHRIST which allowed me to see how I had been tricked for almost all of my life by the enemy. 

Now, I can stand and fight the devil because I have the WORD of Almighty GOD as my sword and shield.   Now, when the enemy comes to attack my mind by tempting me to think negitive thoughts I resist the temptation and instead of following that negitive thought I would OUT-LOUD verbally declare the goodness of the Lord JESUS CHRIST.  

I didn't always feel it, but I began to ALWAYS declare it.  The word of GOD is LIFE.  Just speaking the word of GOD began to change me in ways I did not see at first, but now I do see and I am great full that I persevered in FAITH.  For it is by FAITH we are saved and that FAITH is received by the hearing and speaking of the WORD of GOD.  

Now, when the devil comes to attack my mind I don't have to be swallowed by all the negitive thoughts which use to consume me.  fall into it like I did.

I also know that I must stay close to Christ, keeping him in my thoughts because if I don't I can easily fall back into old ways of thinking. 

I bless God for deliverance and freedom from a darkened mind. 

Brenda, I am a witness to a victory of JESUS CHRIST and the word of GOD setting my mind free from negitive, troubling, condescending thoughts which use to plague me night and day!

Lord JESUS CHRIST lift my Sister Brenda up and free her mind as you have freed my mind so that she may have your peace Lord which passes all understanding.

GOD Bless you Brenda

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