Tuesday, August 7, 2012

88yr Old Lou Xiaoying Displays GOD'S Love

Lou Xiaoying has been praised in China for saving more than 30 abandoned babies over the years
Lou Xiaoying, now 88 found and raised more than 30 abandoned Chinese babies from the streets of Jinhua, in the eastern Zhejiang province where she managed to make a living by recycling rubbish.

She and her late husband Li Zin, who died 17 years ago, kept four of the children and passed the others onto friends and family to start new lives.
Her youngest son Zhang Qilin - now aged just seven - was found in a dustbin by Lou when she was 82.

'Even though I was already getting old I could not simply ignore the baby and leave him to die in the trash. He looked so sweet and so needy. I had to take him home with me,' she said.

'I took him back to our home, which is a very small modest house in the countryside and nursed him to health. He is now a thriving little boy, who is happy and healthy.

'My older children all help look after Zhang Qilin, he is very special to all of us. I named him after the Chinese word for rare and precious.

'The whole thing started when I found the first baby, a little girl back in 1972 when I was out collecting rubbish. She was just lying amongst the junk on the street, abandoned. She would have died had we not rescued her and taken her in.
'I realized if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human lives,' she explained.

'These children need love and care. They are all precious human lives.

Each Child is precious in the sight of Almighty GOD.  Every child deserves a chance to be loved, to live, to know the Lord JESUS CHRIST.   Every Child, Every Soul was uniquely created and lovingly sent to Earth by Almighty GOD for a specific purpose.  Each one of us is here for a reason.  Each one of us was created to Love and Serve the LORD.   There is no such thing as a throw away baby.  There is no such thing as an unwanted child.  JESUS CHRIST loves us ALL!  No baby, no small child, is far from the mind and heart of the LORD.  
"If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, He is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." Matthew 10:42

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