Sunday, August 5, 2012

Luke 21:36 BE Faithful to Pray n Watch for the Lord's Return

He writes: "This was so amazing! God gave me a dream that very clearly depicted the imminent rapture of the Church. I am so excited!!!
I saw so many angels... different kinds... I am so blown away. They were in tiers, one above the other, like excited sports fans. So much bright light... clouds so beautiful. Jesus was right in the first row, seated on a throne.

I have been wondering to myself if there were any other ways to depict the imminence of the rapture. I guess God has no shortage of metaphors:-)
As I was praying and expressing my thanks, I was about to say "You must be close to coming for us!?", but I was interrupted by his response which was like Thunder crashing all around me "I AM!"  I am flat-out excited!!!"

 Here is another Special Dream given of the Lord JESUS CHRIST'S Soon return

The time is Upon us for the Lord's return.  Will you be Ready?  Will you go to Heaven but not see your family members, co-workers, friends there because you didn't want to seem silly by telling them that JESUS is coming and THEY need to be ready?

Watch therefore, and pray always that you AND THOSE YOU LOVE may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” LUKE 21:36

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