Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Demon speaks

You have GOT to see this! It is really powerful. I watched this an it is terrifying and EYE OPENING.  Even the demons in HELL pray and their pray for deliverance from S.  Even the demons don't want to be in hell.  At one point the demon says that when it was in Heaven that there was NEVER a word in Heaven for pain.  Nor did they know about fire that burns.  Hear the true life experience of devils talking out of a teenage girl, as they battle for her very soul. Listen, as they describe Heaven and Hell in awesome details before they were cast out of this young girl who gave her life to Jesus, just in time!

JESUS CHRIST came to destroy the works of the Devil.

Glory To Almighty GOD who saves HIS people night and day through the shed Blood of HIS Divine SON JESUS CHRIST. 

For even to this very second the Blood of JESUS CHRIST Saves.  Call Upon the name of JESUS CHRIST and be free!

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