Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jesus Steps out of the Flames, and Saves Satanists While They Are doing a Ritual !

This is a powerful testimony about the power of trusting in JESUS CHRIST. Even when faced with being cursed by Satanists this man trusted in the power of JESUS CHRIST. He did not give up nor did he give in, HE had faith and his FAITH was rewarded by the loving, protecting arms of ALMIGHTY GOD!

Faith is a gift. So, if you don't have faith, need, faith, want faith, just ask.  The LORD JESUS CHRIST tells us that if we ask and it is in line with the will of our Father who art in Heaven, then he will answer our prayer.    So, if you lack ANY good thing, ask the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Heaven our Holy Father right now and HE will be faithful to answer you prayer.

It is not that the LORD has NOT!  It is the fact that We do not ask HIM.

Ask and you Shall receive.  Pray and you will be blessed.  Cry out and you will be delivered!

JESUS CHRIST is my LORD and I will trust in HIM! 

GOD Bless whom ever reads this. GOD Bless them with FAITH unbound. Bless them with riches.

FREE them even if they have sold their souls to the devil I beg for their freedom from the kingdom of darkness right now. 

There is no power greater then the Lord JESUS CHRIST.  No matter how far you have fallen HE is faithful to answer you call.  Even if it is a collect call from the gates of HELL.

JESUS will answer you cry!

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