Saturday, March 9, 2013

Miracle at the Gas Station, Angel Intervention

Steward encounters an angel at the gas station when he is in need of money to pay the attendant. True story of great impact in his life. He wanted to share this event with you. 

Steward died 5/25/2010. He now knows all about angels and what really happened in this story. 

Almighty GOD is merciful and loving. HE knows that sometimes an Angel doesn't need to do miracles to accomplish HIS will. Sometimes it is the little things like compassion which reflect the glory of GOD.  Often, we over look the small wonders and signs JESUS our King places in our daily path. I would like to give praise and glory to Almighty GOD who so blessed Steward on that faithful day. 

Our GOD truly is an AWESOME GOD!

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