Saturday, April 20, 2013

Confessions Of A Former High Level Satanist (GRAPHIC)

Part 1

This is a GRAPHIC testimony of a former High level Satanists of what they do hidden away from the world. Do NOT click this link and listen to this video unless you are BORN AGAIN and are wearing the FULL ARMOR of Almighty GOD.  I say this because this testimony is truthful and most of the world does not want the truth.

The world wants to stay asleep and deny the fact that the enemy rules this world.  If you doubt that, then ask this one simple question...

"Where do the NATIONS pour the lion share of their gross national products?  The largest expenditure of EVERY nation on earth is on...BOMBS, BULLETS, GUNS, TANKS,  MISSILES, ATOMIC BOMBS, HYDROGEN BOMBS, NUCLEAR WEAPONS, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, NERVE GAS, MINES, WAR-PLANES, SPACE BASED WEAPONS, AND ON AND ON AND ON..."

There is only one hope, one name under Heaven which can save you ...JESUS CHRIST!

Cry out now while you still have time... 


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