Saturday, April 27, 2013

Young boy takes 2 recent trips to Heaven

1st recent trip to Heaven by a young teenage boy. The following was recorded by his Mother:


I went to pray but before I could even think a word I was instantly in heaven. I was wearing my cloths but I noticed that he put shoes on me. They kinda looked like hockey boots but obviously without blades and they were flexible. There was a lush green plain and I could see huge mountains off in the distance. I was standing under a large arch rock formation. To the left of me was a big canyon with a waterfall. There was a kid there in his pajamas who discovered that if you stood in the fall and jumped it would carry you up it for a bit and then slide you back down. There were other people there to. I saw a woman wearing a winter coat talking with someone.

I knew that these people were visiting at the same time as me. Just about all the boulders on the ground had water trickling out if them. The water was so pure it was blue. The dirt was a beautiful red (not a red I have ever really seen before) and the sky to my right was a color I could never describe. You could feel the presence of Jesus but I never saw him. To the left of me across the canyon you could see space. I knew that I could go into space (and be safe to explore) if I wanted to.

 When I looked down just a short way into space I saw Satan traveling back and forth between his planet and earth. He is a big red dragon with a horrible head with lots of different crowns of gross black hair. I looked at the earth and suddenly I had a vision and saw the earth being consumed by flame going from right to left across the planet. I knew that there were people there and I felt bad for them. As soon as I had this thought I was back in my room. I was really bummed because I wanted to try that waterfall jumping thing!

2nd Trip

Mother talking:  Before I start I will apologize for the wording of this visit/vision. When my son told me about it I pelted him with a million questions! Ha ha ha Anyhow I wrote down everything he said but rather than it being in a story line form all my questions got in there and he answered the ones he could along the way. This is a bit long so grab a drink and a snack!


I was sleeping and the next thing I knew I was in Heaven playing a hockey game. It was 4 on 4 hockey with Walter Gretzky, Eric Lindros, Serge Federov, Brian Leetch and two guys named Jake and Ron. I knew all these guys really well...we had similar interests and something about our childhood was the same among all of us. I knew I had been in heaven for a while because I knew just about everyone I saw. Kinda like living in a small town for a while and you get to know everyone. I am guessing that I was maybe 18 or 19yrs old. (He is 13 now, will be 14 in the fall) We were jokingly picking on one another and you could swear but it was like saying "darn" Everyone spoke the same language but we kept our accents. We had on hockey equipment, not because we needed it just because we wanted to wear it. When you fell or got hit it hurt but it wasn't painful. There were no fights because nobody is mad :0) The spectators were mostly women and moms with children.

The hockey rink was inside a huge mall that had restaurants and clothing stores and stuff. No money was exchanged; you just went in and got what you needed. The mall would expand and and shrink to fit the crowds. After we were done playing I went to a restaurant. It was darkend for relaxation but because there is no blackness it was maroon. There were dime size bright lights hanging in the air over tables and such. You could walk through them, it was cool. All the cooks and wait staff were all men. You knew that it was their passion to cook or wait tables, just like it is my passion to play hockey. Everyone was real happy doing whatever they were doing. I had the most incredible piece of pizza!!!!

I walked back to my village or town with my friends and it started to rain but nobody cares. It is warm and falls straight down. You don't run for cover. There was no wind but I think if you wanted to fly a kite there was somewhere to go for that. The town is broken into sections I lived in a navy blue very modern house and other sections had 1800 houses or 3 story apartment buildings there was even an old west section. None of the buildings or houses had roofs. It was night time now but not dark, dimmed with all those little lights everywhere. The sky was white during the day and now you could see space soo wicked clear. It was beautiful. I guess God makes night time because people like it. The houses didn't seem to have kitchens or bedrooms. You don't need to sleep and you walk or run everywhere. I knew I could run 100 miles and not get tired.

When you look at someone you automatically see (like a quick film) their life story. What their personality is like, their interests, when and how they lived but you never saw anything bad. You could see one person who was a celebrity on earth and a poor person and feel the same way about them. There is no judgment what so ever. You stop and talk to people you have something in common with and pass by those who don't. It's that simple. Kids were kids and you will be you except your sins aren't remembered by you or anyone else. Nobody wonders about it at all. It never crossed my mind once. For example (he is referring to me here) people would look at you and see that you were a poor divorced mom but they wouldn't see your sin. Maybe you don't want that to show but nobody cares. Another poor single mom would stop and talk to you and you would be instant friends. It's like that. But all the good things in your life would be seen too.
(This is just Chicadee wondering outloud here) what if our crowns are these quick films that people see? The better the life you lead the better the movie/crown? Alright back to his commentary.

Most people were wearing shorts even the ones from the 1500s. Just because they are comfortable but you could wear whatever you wanted. Some guys were dressed as thugs (no tatoos, I asked lol) some had on traditional cloths from their time but most chose shorts. There were overweight people you knew chose to be that way because that's who they are and there were skinny people but none too skinny. I could look at a girl and think that she had nice legs but I had no interest in trying to meet her or date or anything like that. You could tell how old people were but nobody looked old, it was weird. All women had long hair. Men could be bald if they wanted or have long hair. It didn't matter for them. I saw families walking around together. There was music always playing and it changed from place to place. You could ignore it or choose to listen. There is no time keeping, you just know like when it is time to go to Gods throne or even what was going on in the earth. He said that he did know that he didn't remember anyone who didn't make it to heaven. He just knew that a lot didn't.

  Mother Speaking: So, there you go! let me tell you these two trips to heaven gave us great joy and excitement that we have lacked for so long.  Our beloved King JESUS CHRIST is so sweet!

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