Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fatuma Shubisa Raised from the Dead by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD

Fatuma Shubisa lives in small quiet village of Alelu in rural Ethiopia. She considers her simple life a gift from God. When she became deathly ill and died, She was allowed to visit Heaven for 12 hours.  When she asked to come back to the earth to raise her children God himself raised her from the dead.

Fatuma grew up Muslim but WISELY converted through Faith in JESUS CHRIST to become a Christian.  She says when she died, she felt herself Soul being drawn to heaven. She goes on to describe the glories of Heaven along with the people she saw.  Many of which, were her relatives and friends.

We serve a God that does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Be reassured believer, that Heaven is more real than this life and truly our Eternal Home. 

GLORY to JESUS CHRIST who came so that WE may have life Eternal!

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