Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Criminalization Of Christianity

Part 1of 10

Make no mistake the gay agenda which is being shoved down the throat of both America and the world has ZERO to do with sexuality or fairness.   The gay agenda is about the outlawing of Christianity.  It is the foundation by which the ENEMY will silence all Christians.  Already Sodomy is being portrayed no longer as GAY, or a life style, or even a sexual preference. 

Sodomy, is now, it is being portrayed as LOVE, UNITY, FAIRNESS, INCLUSION. 

Where as, Christianity is being re-identified as HATE, BIGOTRY, DIVISION.

Make no mistake, this is already happening. It is illegal in CANADA to preach the WORD of GOD on the public airwaves.  It is illegal in EUROPEAN UNION to declare SODOMY as an abomination unto the LORD.  In AMERICA Preachers have been arrested and charged with hate crimes for preaching the BIBLE at a gay event.  

Christians business -CHICK-A-FILL being fined by the Federal government and being told to keep their religion in the closet.   The US government told CHICK-A-FILL that they could be in business but they could not be Christians in business. They are just one of hundreds of Christian businesses who are under attack by the new war on Christianity.

Look at the attacks that have been on going against the celebration of Christmas.  Look at the 10 Commandments being stripped from all public buildings.  Look at all Crosses being taken down from public property.  The ENEMY is in full attack mode on all things related to Christianity.

I assure you within the next 10 years Christians will be portrayed on all media as bigots and hate mongers. Christianity will become the watchword for dangerous mentally unbalanced fanatics.  To openly declare yourself a Christian will mean that you are in need of mental health assistance, jail, or RE-EDUCATION. 

 This is Already Happening...

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