Saturday, June 8, 2013


 Matthew Dowel had an experience of Heaven during a near drowning at age 10.  For the rest of his life he hungered for a return to that wonderful place.   Mat's life had not gone as he had hoped and he was deeply addicted to alchohol and cocaine.  Seemingly with no hope Mat planned on committing suicide 10 to return to that Heavenly place he visited as a child.  His plan was not well thought out and it presumed that after living a life of sin that he would be welcomed into Heaven with open arms.  That was not the case...

Here is what actually happened...

Without JESUS CHRIST there is no hope of ever seeing Heaven.  

If you are hurting, thinking of suicide seek Almighty GOD with all your heart and ask JESUS CHRIST to deliver you from the pain you are trying to flee from.  JESUS CHRIST wants to save you from the pain you are suffering.

Ask JESUS CHRIST to save you right now, this very second! He will not let you down. I know because HE saved me...  

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