Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank you Almighty GOD

For sending your Only Begotten Son to Die For my Sins.  I give thanks to you JESUS CHRIST because I could NOT have saved myself. I have not the strength, fortitude, nor the understanding of what love truly is.  Thank you Almighty Father who Art in Heaven, Hollowed be thy name Forever and Ever!

There is no other way to Heaven, our Home, where Our Divine Father waits for us ALL.  JESUS thank you for doing the impossible at Calvary.  No earthly man could have endured the suffering, the shame, the sorrow, the Cross.  Only GOD incarnate could have accomplished such an impossible feat.  Thank you JESUS CHRIST for giving Salvation as a FREE Gift.  I could NEVER have earned it.  Thank you Holy Father who Art in Heaven for loving me so much that you gave your Holy and sinless Son to die for a wretch such as me.

I am a sinner and I thank GOD that my Creator is so Perfectly Divine that HE made a way for me to be redeemed, to be cleansed, to be washed spotless, made HOLY by the selfless Sacrifice of HIS Divine Son JESUS CHRIST who knew NO sin. 

No man could ever have dreamed up such an PERFECT act of LOVE.  This is why I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, with perfect clarity. That JESUS CHRIST is the Only Begotten SON of Almighty GOD my FATHER and CREATOR.

I am a Sinner, I Repent, and I ask Forgiveness for ALL my sin.  JESUS please be my Savior. I beg you to Deliver me from the Fires of Hell.   I also lift up the rest of the world and intercede for the lost, so that they too might be saved!


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