Sunday, August 18, 2013

For what will you Trade Your Eternal Soul?

If you gain the WHOLE Entire World and are KING of all you see, it will only be for a very short time.  The flesh you live in has a very short shelf life.  For the 70 or 80 or even 90 years you live in sin the price that will be demanded of you will be an eternity. in HELL.  

St Theresa was shown by an Angel a glowing orange hole which was shimmering from the heat pouring out of it.  From a distance it looked like the top of a volcano. The Angel bid St Theresa to look more closely. Instantly, her vision refocused and she realized that there was someone in that fearfully burning chimney protruding from the barren landscape. Look closer still said the Angel pointing at something scurrying frantically to and fro within the searing heat.   

 It was then that St Theresa realized that the creature within the glowing blast furnace was a man.  The Angel asked St Theresa if she did indeed now see the man within and St Theresa said Yes.  The Angel informed St Theresa that the man running and leaping trying with all his might to escape the terrible inferno had died at the age of 57. He was a wealthy man of his time.  He amassed his fortune by brute force and with an iron fist sought to gather as much as he could without a thought to anyone else but himself.  He had enough to last for ten lifetimes, but it was never enough. No matter how much he had he wanted more.  He never once considered the poor, the sick, or the needy.  He never gave thanks to GOD nor ever did he listen as the FATHER sent many men and women to try and turn him from his evil ways.   The man believed that his wealth could protect him from anything.  He died counting his money.  As the pain in his chest spread to his right arm he gave no thought to GOD, to eternity.  As his life slipped from him his only thought was to clench the gold coins on the table into his fist so that no one could take them from him.   

When the rich man opened his eyes again he opened them here in this place.  This searing blast furnace whose walls are to high and cliffs to sheer will be his home for the rest of eternity.  St Theresa watched as the man shrieked and wailed as the fire cooked his flesh. She saw his feet leave charred flesh on the molten rock as he ran from one side of the rock face to the other.  She could smell the awful stench of his cooking flesh mixed with the heavy sulfur and brmiestone.  Just as the bone would begin to show on his feet or hands his flesh would reconstitute itself and the horrific process would begin anew. 

Being a child of GOD St Theresa asked if there was no hope for this poor Soul?  The Angel took in St Theresa's visage and replied...This man has been here for a thousand years. For ten centuries he has run from side to side screaming for help, ever with the hope that if he could just run fast enough, leap high enough, that he might be able to free himself from the roasting pit.  HE will never leave this place, he will never have rest, his torment will NEVER end because in HELL time has no meaning.  

St Theresa shivered at the terrbile implication that for the 57 years wasted on earth this man had traded his Soul for an eternity in HELL.  

What will you trade for your eternal Soul?  

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