Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Coming Christian Holocaust

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is becoming highly adversarial against all Christians. The United States Army has begun a major effort to remove Christians's from its ranks.  Obama, a life long MUSLIM, has secretly warred against Christians his entire presidency.  As Supreme Commander of the United States armed forces, Obama has encouraged/permitted the United States military to participate in the persecution and removal of all active Christians from the military.  

A recent Army briefing, given by Lt. Col. Jack Rich, to a reserve unit in Pennsylvania, identified several organizations and movements as extremist groups.  First on the list of his slides presented in the briefing listed Evangelical Christians and the list also included Catholics, and way down at the bottom Hamas, al-Qaeda, Nation of Islam and the Ku Klux Klan. Isn’t it comforting to realize that your government sees Catholic and evangelical Christians in the same light as Hamas, al-Qaeda and the Klan?

Lt. Col. Rich warned his subordinates to not back down from “bad Christian behavior” for “when they see behaviors which are inconsistent with Army values, don’t just walk by. Do the right thing before it becomes a problem.” What exactly constitutes “bad Christian behavior?” Is praying a bad Christian behavior?
Further, the warning has been given to flag Christians and put them on no buy lists for guns. Rich’s briefing dovetails with the same kind of anti-Christian rhetoric recently presented to Colorado law enforcement officials in La Junta, Colorado in which Christians were prominently displayed in as domestic terrorists if they take the Bible too literally.

In Egypt, Libya and Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood was installed as the new leadership, or rebel leadership with the help of the Obama administration. These groups are also aligned with al-Qaeda. These groups are killing Christians by the thousands in all three countries. Presently, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda are persecuting Egyptian Coptic Christians in horrific ways and Obama “hears no evil, and sees no evil.” It is notable that the Coptic Christian presence in Egypt predates the Muslim. However, to the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, the CIA and apparently President Obama, Christians are now persona non grata and it does not matter what country the Christians are from.

Coptic children are forcibly being taken from their families and forced to convert to Islam. Is this a foreshadowing of a future CPS field manual which will do the same here in America? Do you think this hyperbole? Then you must not be familiar with the new CPS manual which will be used to enforce “child welfare” under Obamacare. Under Obamacare, parents can lose custody of their children if their child gets a bad grade, is absent for more than 5 days in any 30 day period, if the parent has beer in the house or if the parent is a gun owner. Therefore, how far-fetched is it for American Christians to look at themselves as the next Coptic Christians and realize that the CPS could one day come for their children merely because they are Christians?

Make no mistake...  Unless you embrace Homosexuality, Pedophilia, bestiality, witchcraft, you will be branded as intolerant, homophobic, anti-gay, anti-choice, hateful and divisive.  After all, the TV says that Evangelical Christians, Catholics, and those Christians who take the BIBLE to seriously are archaic, judgmental,and living in the past.  Soon, every sick disgusting perversion will be on display 24hrs a day, 7days a week, 52 weeks a year.  Oh, wait a minute...it already is...

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