Sunday, October 27, 2013

Darlene Rose a Hero and a Saint

As a newlywed, Darlene Deobler Rose served as a missionary in New Guinea with her husband from 1938 to 1942. Then, for three years, she was imprisoned by the Japanese during World War II on the island of Celebes (now Sulawesi) and endured almost unspeakable hardships, including solitary confinement, near starvation, beatings and loss of her husband, the Rev. C. Russell Deibler.


 Darlene Rose has written a book of her HEROIC Christian struggle against great and terrible odds.

Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II


Darlene was a young missionary bride when she arrived in Dutch New Guinea to win untouched tribes to Christ. She and her husband had around one year in the field, winning a few converts but ended up imprisoned in separate prison camps. Darlene endured tremendous hardships yet kept her wits about her and walked by faith, always asking God for guidance. Whenever she lost faith and cried to God, He answered her by giving her His peace and assuring her that He would never leave her nor forsake her. He also gave encouragement and answers to her prayers, such as the time she was starving and dying in the dungeon in solitary confinement and she prayed for just one single tiny banana, and God brought the Japanese camp commander to visit her and gift her 92 bananas!

While in solitary confinement, Darlene spent her time walking with the Savior, talking with Him, and playing in her mind the scripture that she had memorized as a girl. She had psalms, hymns, and even entire chapters memorized, and the right line at the right time seemed to pop into her remembrance and give her the answer she needed at that time. God's Hand could be seen protecting her, as there were several circumstances where she could have lost her life had she not followed God's prompting.

Darlene teaches, BY CHRISTIAN Example, all who read this book, that no matter what the circumstances, no matter how dismal the situation, those who know Jesus are NEVER Alone and NEVER without Hope.

Glory to Almighty GOD who sent HIS only Begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to Save us ALL!


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