Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shout the Name of JESUS CHRIST From Every Rooftop

‘Duck Dynasty’ Star, “The Television producers Told Us To Stop Praying To Jesus So It Wouldn’t Offend Muslims!"


In an interview with sports spectrum magazine Willie & Phil Robertson, stars of Duck Dynasty, talk about fake bleeps, praying in Jesus’ name, and getting flack from Christians.
When the editors of Duck Dynasty asked the stars to stop saying “In Jesus Name” during prayers because it might offend Muslims,

Phil Robertson also stated that fake bleeps were inserted into the show even though there was no cursing happening. “They inserted fake bleeps

like somebody had used profanity, but no one had used profanity.

I asked the guys that produce the show…What’s the point of the fake bleeps?”
“If we are not using profanity, why make it look like we are using profanity?” -Phil Robertson

So, muslims who make up less then 1% of the US are offended by the name of JESUS CHRIST.  Yet, Muslims are totally fine with foul, crude, gutter language.  Since, when has the Muslim population become such HUGE Duck Dynasty fans.  I don't remember seeing any Muslims at the books signings.  Last I checked, it was red blooded American CHRISTIANS who were the  major fan base for Duck Dynasty.

The real truth, is the name of JESUS CHRIST convicts those who are living in sin.  The TV Producers, those people in Los Angeles, are CONVICTED by the name of the Divine Son of Almighty GOD.  To hear the name of JESUS CHRIST makes them aware of their sin and they don't like it.

My thoughts are if the MUSLIMS don't like to hear the name of JESUS CHRIST then turn the channel.   Yet, isn't it amazing that curse words and foul language are just fine for muslim  ears...




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