Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Raised from the Depths of the Ocean like Lazarus

Harrison Odjegba Okene was working as a cook aboard a tugboat in the Atlantic Ocean off the Nigerian coast in June 2013, when a heavy swell caused the vessel to capsize and his boat sank to the sea bed, where his 11 colleagues drowned.  None of them were Christians.  Most of them were Muslims, the rest, sadly simply did not care to know the Lord. 

By the Divine mercy of Almighty GOD Okene was able to find an air pocket inside the sunken ship. It is there in the unlikeliest of places that he miraculously survived for three days and three nights. Underneath the Ocean, trapped in a sunken ship, Okene trusted that the LORD would send an Angel to save him.  

The 1st day was filled with fear, the 2nd day was filled with worry, on the 3rd day Okene began to pray for his wife and family because he knew that they would most likely be in deep pain thinking that he was dead.  He NEVER gave up hope that he would be rescued because his hope did not depend on him, his own strength, or his circumstances, because JESUS CHRIST is Okene's Lord and Savior. 

 Okene nearly weeps with joy when as the South African divers bursts into the air pocket which has kept Okene alive for nearly three days. The whole incident is recorded by the diver's headcam video the full impact of the miraculous encounter is plain to see on Okene's exhausted tear stained face.  

It wasn't until afterwards in the hospital that the Rescue divers told Okene that they weren't there to rescue anyone because everyone assumed that all hands on deck had been lost. The divers were actually there to collect dead bodies.   Finding Okene alive was a total surprise to the divers. 

“See, the LORD’S arm is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear your cries..." Isaiah 59:1-3

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