Friday, February 21, 2014

Gene Simmons and Tim Tebow

Short and to the Point.  Why is it okay to degrade Christians?  Why is it politically correct to for the Sports writers, journalists, and Newscasters to denigrate Tim Tebow because he loves JESUS CHRIST?  

No one in the American would dare to speak of JEWS or MUSLIMS as they speak of Christians.  No one in America would DARE speak of homosexuals as they do Christians.  Homosexuals like Elton John, pedophiles like Michael Jackson, gangster rappers, teenage girls who whore themselves out to sell records, black male singers like Kanye West who actually thinks he is god, and godless muslims are lifted up by American Mainstream media as beacons of great social accomplishment.

A man like Tim Tebow who doesn't sleep around, contributes to society by being active in his church and in his faith, is generous with his financial blessing by donating to the poor and needy, this man is held up to be a religious extremists who has NO place in American society.  Christians, more and more are being told to shut up and go into the closet, because no one want to hear OUR hate speech called the BIBLE.  

The war on Christmas is growing every year. This past year the Anheuser-Busch at Christmas time advertised outside of it's Louisiana Distributor plant Merry istmas...   Can you please tell me what 'istmas' is?  I know what it is.... it is a Seasonal holiday without CHRIST, which is why they had in giant letters Merry 'istmas.' 

We are heading headlong into a world where being a Christian will be illegal.  You laugh, but it is already illegal in both the European Union and Canada to read from the BIBLE on public airwaves.  It is already ILLEGAL to deny abortion coverage to your employees.  Obama and this current administration has already stated publicly that you CANNOT be a Christian and run a Business at the same time.  

If you run a business you MUST provide money for abortions.  If you want to be a Christian, you will have to leave your FAITH at the door when you come to work.  These are the times we are living in and this road to hell will only become steeper and the descent faster.   

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