Monday, February 10, 2014

Lenny Kravitz Father receives Salvation on his Deathbed

In 2009 Lenny Kravitz at that time had been living celibate because he secretly became a serious Christian. Who knew?  This came about because of his JEWISH father’s deathbed conversion. Sy Kravitz, Lenny's Father was a hard man, an ex-Green Beret who was a serial cheater on Lenny Kravitz’s mother, Jeffersons actress Roxie Roker. When confronted in front of their son about his adulterous behavior, Sy Kravitz put what Lenny considers a curse on him, telling him: “You’ll do it too.”

When Sy Kravitz became ill, this is where it all begins... Lenny feeling self conscious eases into his story...

  ‘It’s going to sound like whatever it sounds like, but this is what it was. I mean, spiritually hospitals are very intense places. It’s like death’s doorstep. And he was in his bed one night and he looked at me, and he wasn’t on drugs, and he said to me, “There are these things flying around my bed, and these things crawling on the floor.” I said, “What are you talking about?” This is from my dad. He doesn’t do with any kind of spiritual thing. No heebie-jeebie kind of thing.

And out of no where my Dad's like, “There’s black-winged things and they’re flying around my bed… the things that are crawling on the ground, they look like they’re rats and they’re not… I see them.” I didn’t quite know how to take it.  Frankly, man it freaked me out.

And then, from somewhere deep in his soul, my Father began having this revelation and he, a non-practicing JEW accepted JESUS CHRIST as his savior!  Did you get that man? This is a non-religious Jewish man being saved by JESUS CHRIST!   After all the wrong my dad did somehow, GOD had mercy and the spirit world opened up to him.   Almost like he had spiritually been bound in darkness his whole life and now the Son of GOD shows up and this thing that wrecked my families life was released.’

After this spiritual experience, his father started answering some of the questions Kravitz would never get answers for. When Kravitz asked him before, “Why did you do what you did? Why did you do this to Mom?”, his father would stonewall. ‘That’s just the way it is,’ he would say. But a couple of nights after the experience, sitting in hospital with Lenny and his two half-sisters, Sy started talking.

 ‘He apologized to us in the most sincere, heartfelt manner. “I am sorry for what I’ve done, how I’ve been, how I’ve treated you, and I love you.” Real. And it was shocking… And what he said to me is that he always wanted to change his life, and he felt there was this thing on his back and he couldn’t get it off. His whole life, he knew inside himself that he wanted to change. But, he said, “I couldn’t.”?’

There would be one further unexpected moment: ‘As he got closer to his death, another night in the hospital, he was really tired and he looked over at me and he goes, “There’s angels all around the room. Because of JESUS CHRIST.” Do you dig that man JESUS CHRIST saved my father from an eternity in HELL. My Dad wasn't even aware of JESUS CHRIST and yet GOD has so much love for us that HE saved my DAD in spite of all my DAD did wrong.  That still gives me pause to this day, I mean GOD must really REALLY love us all.  Even when we like don't deserve that love or haven't earned that golden ring, GOD still loves us. Thats just my take on that whole thing man.  And then that was it, he turned and looked away. If you knew my dad – he was not spiritual in any way shape or form, it was the furthest thing from him.’

These were the last words Sy Kravitz would say of this kind. But for the son, the rock star music legend Lenny Kravitz something real happened in those hospital days that changed everything. ‘The last three weeks of my Dad's life was the best relationship I had with him. And it cancelled out the 40 years of misery and pain that came before.’


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