Friday, April 11, 2014

Will You Stand in the Gap

A Bible for Every BelieverBIBLES for Believers

 Every month, Voice of the Martyrs ( join with local pastors in impoverished nations, communist countries, and oppressed Believers caught in the stranglehold of Islamic oppression.  There they secretly collect the names of Christians in hostile and restricted areas who want the living word of GOD written in their own language, their very own Bibles. Voice of the Martyrs has vast underground distribution networks set in place to get Bibles into their hands of OUR brothers and Sisters in JESUS CHRIST.
Join The Voice of the Martyrs( this month in sponsoring Bibles for 191,267 believers who are currently hoping and praying for a Bible, one to call their own. 

For every five Bibles sponsored, we will send you the names of five people who will receive your sponsored Bibles so you can pray for them.

Stand with me in the gap for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ!   

How many Bibles will you sponsor.

You can sponsor 5 Bibles for $30

10 Bibles for $60

20 Bibles for $120

Aside for our duty to our brethren in Christ, think of the riches you will store up in Heaven for spreading the Gospel in China, Uganda, Africa, etc.  

I will start the ball rolling by sponsoring 5 Bibles for $30.  Who's with me?  If the Love of JESUS CHRIST is in you and you sponsor BIBLES please leave a comment so that I can pray for you and the BIBLES you so blessedly sponsored.  You don't have to say how much or how many. Just the fact that you stood in the gap will be noted in Heaven! 

GOD Bless each and everyone one of you who stands in the gap 

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