Monday, June 23, 2014

Pastor Lee Jong Rak is a True Disciple of JESUS CHRIST

When an alarm goes off at Pastor Lee Jong Rak’s home in Seoul, South Korea, it means another baby has been abandoned for him to look after.

The children are left in his purpose built baby box by desperate mothers, who feel they are no longer able to look after the youngsters themselves.

 There are so many sad stories of young women wanting to escape the stigma of having children out of wedlock, and the heartwarming work of Pastor Lee in caring for them.

Up to 18 babies are abandoned each month in the box attached to his house, to be looked after by Pastor Lee and his team of volunteers until more permanent arrangements can be made.
Pastor Lee  has a very challenging job made all the more difficult by those who want to judge from the side lines while doing NOTHING.  The south Korean government in all it's wisdom has passed new laws demanding unwed mothers register these unwanted children.  The South Korean government is also making it more difficult for adoptive parents seeking children.  To make matters even worse some are critical of Pastor Lee for taking in abandoned unwanted children.   The only other option for these poor unwed mothers is an option to grim to speak of. 

GLORY to JESUS CHRIST for HIS servants who are faithful in both the big and small things.

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