Monday, June 30, 2014

Woman dies and gets to view the world with God's Glasses

This woman died from abusing diet drugs. Her testimony is really wonderful as it shows just how much GOD loves each and everyone of us.  During her time with GOD she got to see her life both through her eyes and then through GOD"S.  When she views her life through GOD'S eyes she finds that GOD has a very different view of what is important. 

She saw that GOD gives everyone unique gifts. These gifts are to be used to help one another grow and become closer to GOD. 

 Also, she got to experience what GOD'S was feeling when on the last day the Earth will be judged by fire.   She saw the Earth covered in fire and she saw millions of Souls escaping the flames.  She was so excited to see that so many Souls will be saved on judgement day.    

She also saw that on the day of judgement Billions will refuse the love of GOD, and chose of their own free will, to burn with the enemy.  It was then that she saw GOD weep for the billions who REFUSE the open arms of Almighty GOD.

I pray for Divine Mercy for every single Soul alive today that they may receive the eternal love of Almighty GOD!

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