Tuesday, July 1, 2014



IS HELL REAL? Pastor Norm Rasmusse answers this question.  


In the video Pastor Norm reads the testimony of a an unsaved man who died while at work from electrocution.  The man's story is like the life story of 99.999998% percent of the people alive today.  The man lived for himself, lived for a good time, and cared only about what would make him richer. What's in it for me was the motto of the man who died.  


After his death Almighty GOD showed him many instances of the Lord trying to get his attention.  He also saw all the sins in his life, all the way back to when he was 5 years old and he stole some marshmallows his mom had put aside for desert.  Even that small, insignificant sin caused him great pains when he was in hell, because sin has weight and it must be answered in Almighty GOD'S eternal justice.   


For reasons only known to the Lord JESUS CHRIST the Divine Son of GOD chose to give the man another chance.  Watch the video and be amazed at both the horros of hell, the weight of sin, and the unmatchable love of Our Father who art in Heaven.  May HIS name be Glorified forever and ever! 


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