Monday, July 7, 2014

Truly AWESOME Testimony

Daniel Baumann, a seasoned Christian evangelist had been on many very scary missions trips.  Many times Daniel was stopped, arrested and harassed by local police trying to stop him from sharing the Gospel. Each and every time Daniel was plucked from the fire by the Lord. 

Everything was different when Daniel went into the heart of the enemies camp. It was Daniel's trip to visit believers in Iran that his life changed forever.  Daniel made it into Iran without any trouble, it was on his way out that mysteriously he was stopped at the border.  

With only a few feet to freedom Daniel was dragged from his car and imprisoned for many weeks. 

Each day Daniel was viciously beaten and tortured by his captives.   When Daniel learned that he had not one death sentence but two death sentences over him he began to lose hope. That is when the weight of his trials became to much for him to bear.  This is when he hit rock bottom and thoughts of suicide began to fill his head. 

At his deepest darkest point Jesus appeared to Daniel in his prison cell, this is truly and AWESOME testimony!

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