Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Christianity is becoming Illegal in the United States


In Tennessee recently a high school student was suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “Bless you” after a classmate sneezed. Kendra Turner, a senior at Dyer County High School, said bless you to her classmate who sneezed and the teacher told her that the term was for church.

“She said that we’re not going to have godly speaking in her class and that’s when I said we have a constitutional right,”  

When she defended her actions, the teacher became indignant and demanded Turner exit the classroom and  see the school administrator. The student was summarily suspended.

To cover themselves school officials told her parents Tuesday that the teacher feared for her safety and claimed that their daughter was aggressive and disruptive.

But Becky Winegardner, Turner’s youth pastor, strongly disagrees with the school’s actions of in-class suspension.

“There were many students which pointed out that this particular faculty member was very demeaning to all those who are Christians and proud of their faith,”

Make no mistake this is not an aberration it is one incident, piled on top of thousands of incidents all of the United States where Christians are being forced to either hide, abandon, or ignore their faith.  It took Hobby Lobby going to the Supreme Court of the United States just to be able to declare that they are Christian and have a GODLY right to not support murder of unborn children.

Remember Eric Holder's quote..."In America today, you cannot be a Christian and a business owner at the same time. It's either one or the other."

This is where we are headed.  It's not that we are going someday to be on that road; it is already occurring under the radar each and every day.   Just, recently in Sweden it became the law that ALL Churches MUST marry, hire, and support the Homosexual agenda.  If the Church in Sweden denies gays the right to marry in there Church then the government of Sweden will seize their property and close the Church.    It has for some time been illegal to read from the Book of Romans, Leviticus over the air waves in Europe and Canada.   In Canada recently it is now the law that if a heterosexual person offends a homosexual person then the heterosexual person must pay a fine of 5 thousand Canadian Dollars.  The reverse, however, is not true.  A homosexual can degrade, disrupt, and even stop Christian Church services and nothing at all will be done.  Funny thing is, if it is a Muslim service that is protected by Canadian law and there will be consequences. 

Christianity is the ABSOLUTE Truth and as such it actually hurts those who are trapped in darkness.  To those who are in darkness the light of Christianity is a bright burning light.  No one who is willingly living in sin wants to see what they really look like in the light.  This is why the world, more and more, and most especially, the homosexuals hate Christianity.  Because, the light of Christ holds a mirror up to these men who are lovers of men and they do NOT like what they see in that mirror.  The clarity of truth can be a brutal wake up call to those who wallow in sexual perversion.  The truth be told, 99% of the world does not want to be woken from the lethargic slumber with which most people slink through life.  

A person I held in high regard, someone I respected and worked with, had a conversation one day after work.  Being a Born Again Christian, on-fire for my Lord JESUS CHRIST and not wanting this person to be lost turned the conversation to accepting JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. 

 When I asked Bruce if he wanted to accept JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior he laughed at me and said... "Why do I need Jesus Christ?" 

 I said..."because if you wish to see Heaven you need to be Born Again and accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior."

Bruce said..."But, I like my life and I don't want to have to change."

I asked him what he meant and he replied...

"I like having a drink, maybe doing a little bit of drugs once in a while.  I like women, lots of women and I like have sex and lots of it. I like money and everything that comes with money.  I am young, successful, tall, good looking, and I have the world at my finger tips.  If I surrender my life to JESUS CHRIST then I will have to stop doing all the things I like doing.   I like my life and I won't change for nobody."

I then asked him..."So, you are willing to risk eternal damnation and separation from GOD because you don't want to change the way you live your life?" 

Bruce paused for a moment and then said..."I like my life, I like the world I live in, everything I have I obtained by my intelligence and my own hard work and dedication.  No one gave me anything, everything I have I have earned with my own two hands." 

I tried to explain to Bruce that if he were to give his life to CHRIST he wouldn't have to change.  His heart would become a NEW creation in CHRIST and he would change because he wanted to, not because he had too. Bruce refused all entreaties because he was not willing to change.  I asked him a very powerful question..

"If JESUS CHRIST came down through the clouds right now would you surrender your life to HIM?"

Without missing a beat Bruce said..."Nope, no way. I am not giving up who I am and what I have worked so hard to accomplish." 

We ended our conversation in a friendly manner, after all he was my friend and Bruce really is a great guy and most people who know him love him. Bruce is like all those who live in darkness, he is unwilling to receive the Light of JESUS CHRIST because it would require him to give up sin.  It would require Bruce to acknowledge that he is living in sin and that the sin he is living in is actually darkness. 

" This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."  John 3:19-21



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