Friday, August 8, 2014

Please LORD grant us another Azusa Street Outpouring

 The Azusa Street Revival was a historic HOLY SPIRIT revival which occured in Los Angeles, California. Azusa Street is the foundation of the Pentecostal/Charismatic/HOLY SPIRIT   movement. 

It was led by William J. Seymour, an African American preacher. It began with a meeting on April 9, 1906, and continued until roughly 1915. The revival was characterized by ecstatic spiritual experiences accompanied by HUNDREDS of MAJOR miracles. The worship service was life changing for those who did not believe in GOD.   Speaking in tongues, which had not been seen since it occured with the Apostles.   Those who prayed at Azusa Street were criticized by the secular media and Christian theologians for behaviors considered to be outrageous and unorthodox, especially at the time.

The one thing that could not be refuted was that the HOLY power of GOD was present at Azusa Street.  There are hundreds of incredible stories, testimonies, and miraculous healing documented by the local newspapers of the time.    
 Today, the revival is considered by historians to be the primary catalyst for the spread of 
Pentecostalism/Non Denominational/Catholic Charismatic beliefs and movement in the 20th century.

Very rare and interesting insight into the Azusa Street revival of 1906 from people that were actually there ! Both of these two surviving witnesses were healed from very serious life threatening health problems.  Each of them have powerful testimonies and many wonderful memories to share. This interview was made in the early 1970's

1 comment:

  1. Where are these type of Revivals today? It still fits in; "Freedom of Speech", in our OWN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA rights of all of it's citizens!! Not just the Atheists who believe they control all that we say and do.....they actually have absolutely NO CONTROL over anything in this life!!
    They just think they do because we, as true believing Christians don't run around trying to convince the world with their desperation and loud words and in doing so, undermined and over speak, what the Christians have to say. Why do so many people allow Atheists and those who make up their own religion (New Age, Christian Science to name a couple.....degrade our Lord and Savior just as much as those that flat our say the Trinity doesn't exist! So many of those that deny God become worried when they grow older and know that death is approaching; these very ones that have cause so many to turn away from God during their lifetime suddenly start Praying to a God they never believed in, but for fear that there just may be a "HELL", they begin covering their bases. Some of these last minute beggars will be forgiven, for God is the ONLY one who TRULY KNOWS THEIR HEARTS. However, God explains quite plainly in His Book of Truth that those who are NOT PURE of HEART, when they FINALLY TURN to
    HIM, asking for forgiveness, in the attempt to AVOID HELL; so many will NOT AVOID hear this all of you who deny God; don't kid yourselves; He has given you so very many chances to see Him, to hear Him, to believe in Him & to do as He asks, of every one of us. God wants nothing more, than for you to honestly ask Him into your heart, however; you have spit in His face - turned your back on him, over and over again! GOD is a kind, giving, loving, forgiving GOD, but NOT when you are just speaking words out of fear of HELL, but words full of truth, sorrow and repentance shall still have a chance of seeing Heaven. Those who turn God's children away from Him, will suffer a wrath that is second to none. Remember this, all of you, who have hearts full of hate and mouths that speak lies, tricking many, for the more you guide down the wrong path, the MORE you will suffer for each and every soul you have led into HELL with you!! There is no imagination that can even come close to knowing the everlasting pain, deep, intense suffering that you will endure, by your own choices, for many more lifetimes than you have lived through this one (better known as ETERNITY!)!! I Pray for all of you, especially those of you who take God's innocent children with you and for the children who are blindly being led down the path to EVERLASTING HELL because of YOU!! I pray your eyes, ears, knowledge will be open to see and feel the truth before it is too late....once it is done...IT IS DONE FOREVERMORE!! I don't know who you are, I do not judge(not my right, nor do I want to judge)....I am just stating FACTS, that have been placed on my heart, to give you yet another chance to see the truth!
    May God bless us all, as we need His blessings more than we need anything else now, or ever will!!
    Thank you Father, for watching over my life and all of the people that I hold near and dear to my heart.....after you, of course.
