Friday, September 26, 2014

Pashtun Sayyid finds that the Life of a Christian is Hard

Through out the video Pashtun Sayyidkept keeps on saying "God has planned for me from my childhood." Even when he lost his job, his friends left him, his family abandoned him and threw him into the street, he NEVER gave up.  
In America very few people can comprehend the cost of becoming a Christian in the middle east.  In the Middle East being a muslim is not a religion so much as it is a way of life and national identity.  When a person declares that they are leaving islam-which is a lie from the pit of hell-evryone around them sees this as a betrayal.  
Leaving islam in the middle east most often means death. Then, to add insult to injury, Pashtun Sayyid began leading other muslims-who are lost--this was met with someone accusing Pashtun Sayyid of a crime, which he never committed.   In the middle east this is one of the devil's tricks to keep muslim converts from spreading the truth of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. 
Eph 2:10 says "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do the good works which God prepared in advance for us to do." What a great joy to know that when the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world, our purpose as God's children was birthed through His sacrifice! God is so great it really does astound me and I put my hand on mouth from wonder. I am so thankful that HE has chosen me. 

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