Sunday, October 5, 2014

An Educated Man is Humbled by the AWESOME Mind of GOD

Born and raised Catholic, Dr. Spivak slowly lost his faith as a teen and collegian. He did not leave the Church in anger. He just could not find any reason to believe in God. In college and medical school he adopted atheism and secular materialism as his philosophy of life. 

He was eventually brought back to God in Christ and his Church through the wonders of the Universe through the study of Astronomy. 

Hugh Ross's book "The Creator and the Cosmos"  was the book which brought Dr Spivak back to GOD.  I highly recommend you read this jaw dropping book which opens the educated eye to  the truth of Almighty GOD.  In it, Hugh Ross shows how modern science has uncovered a design that is surprisingly compatible with the biblical account of creation. Read the book and learn how scientific discoveries reveal the nature of God.

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