Tuesday, November 11, 2014

MONSTER Energy drinks MAY be the work of those who serve the enemy

The Monster Energy logo looks like three Hebrew vavs, that the value for vav in Hebrew numerology is 6, and that Monster Energy is therefore a Satanic drink (because three 6's = 666). 

The drink's slogan, "Unleash the Beast", is also claimed by some to be Satanic.The evil which rules this world loves the fact that people are blind. Most who read this and watch the video will dismiss it as legend and lore. However, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand that the enemy has a mission and will stop at nothing to ensnare those who are willfully ignorant. 

Rather then dismiss this out of hand, take a moment, delve into what this Christian woman is saying. If she is wrong then prove it, but is she is right then beware because in the last days the devil will go about like a roaring lion seeking to devour all those in his path. 

After all, we are only on this fallen planet for a little while. When, we leave this place, when we die, how we lived our lives will have eternal consequences. 


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