Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Woman Healed of Cerebral Palsy by JESUS CHRIST

At an age when other children were enjoying life's priceless moments, Marlene Klepees had to face its cruelest tortures. Weighing less than two pounds at birth, she developed cerebral palsy, a disease that left her crippled. She suffered her entire life, even at times begging for death. 

One day she had ENOUGH! She simply could not go another day, blind, crippled, going from one seizure to the next. She told GOD in her head that she could not go on another day. 

The Lord JESUS CHRIST responded by giving Marlene a vision. In this vision she was told to call a certain Christian church and ask for the preacher to come and pray for her. 

The rest you will simply have to watch the video to find out...

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