Friday, December 5, 2014

Dr. Rosaria Butterfield Fromer Lesbian Current Christian

Amazing testimony from ex-lesbian, academic professor,  Dr. Rosaria Butterfield. She was virulently anti-Christian and rabidly ensconced in the feminist pro-homosexual lifestyle.  

Her life changed when she met a Christian pastor that did NOT treat her like the enemy of Christ, but the lost daughter of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST.  

It was through years of love, out reach and committed fellowship by the Christian pastor and his wife that Dr. Rosaria Butterfield was willingly to even entertain the BIBLE was the inspired word of Almighty GOD. Once she began to read the Word of GOD it was not long before the Son of GOD began to open her eyes and ears to the truth of the BIBLE. 
Her testimony is both powerful and thought provoking.  

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