Sunday, May 3, 2015

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich a true Servant of Almight GOD

She was born in Flamschen, a farming community at Coesfeld, in the Diocese of Münster, Westphalia, Germany, and died at age 49 in Dülmen, where she had been a nun, and later became bedridden. 

Emmerich is notable for her visions on the life and passion of Jesus Christ, reputed to be revealed to her by the Blessed Virgin Mary under religious ecstasy.

During her bedridden years, a number of well-known figures were inspired to visit her

If you have not read her biography, I highly recommend you spend the time and read it. Her biograpy was the basis for Mel Gibson's movie 'The Passion of Christ.' Here is a link to a free online copy of her bio.

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