Friday, May 8, 2015

Your First Night in Hell

Let me be perfectly clear...The ONLY way your are going to HELL is because you want to.  Our Holy Father in Heaven sent HIS only begotten Son JESUS CHRIST to live and die for YOUR Sins.  Almighty GOD allowed HIS perfect, sinless, Divine Son to suffer untold agony so that you do NOT end up in Hell. 

GOD the creator of all things will knock and knock on the door to your heart over and over again trying to get your attention.  The Lord will send person after person with messages of love and acceptanceto try and get your attention. 

Our Holy Father who art in Heaven will orchestrate odd coincidences in your life trying to get your attention.  Almighty GOD has raised up men and women with gifts to preach and evangelize so that you may hear the call of HIS Divine love. 

The Lord of Lords and King of Kings will send Angels into your life disguised as ordinary people to speak words of encouragement into your life.  Words, which if you will hear them, will reveal GOD'S holy plan for your life. 

Brother or Sister I am telling you for a fact that you will have to fight Almighty GOD every step of the way to go to Hell.  Your Father in Heaven did not give you life so that HE could condemn you to Hell.  The Creator of all life will reach out to you even if you are in the process of giving up your last breath. Even then at deaths door step our Holy Father will call your name.  Our Lord and Father, Almighty GOD will chase you all the way to the gates of Hell trying to save you. 

No one, not any man or woman ever born was condemned to Hell by an angry GOD.  The Lord of this Universe and beyond will not, in wrath and anger, cast you into Hell.  


Instead, it will be a Father with Holy tears in HIS eternal eyes who weeps from his perfect heart as you, by your OWN choice, fall into eternal Hellfire.  It will be a lone figure at the gates of Hell sobbing as the demons rend your flesh from your bones and drag your carcasses to the unending tortures meant not for MANKIND but for satan and his angels. 

 It will only be GOD, who will loved you so much that HE gave you every opportunity, every chance, to be saved and escape the eternal Hellfire, who will remember your name.  For, after the gates of Hell close that last time, your name and memory will be blotted out the book of life and all memories of you will be expunged from your loved ones heart and minds.  Because, there is no sorrow in Heaven, no weeping, your family, loved ones, husbands, wives, sons and daughters, family members and your friends, for them, and their Heavenly joy it will be as though you NEVER existed.  

The worst part will be as you look up into Heaven and see the AWESOME, mind blowing, rewards that GOD had waiting for you, then and only then will you understand how much GOD really loved you. Only then, will you comprehend that the world was a fleeting shadow, fools gold, for which you traded for an eternity trapped in darkness with satan and his angels who hate you and torment you endlessly. 

                                                     Robert D Anding III

Jesus suffered God's wrath on the Cross on our behalf by the Shedding of his Precious Blood and Body at the Cross of Cavalry so that our Sins can be forgiven.

An exchange took place at the Cross 2000 years ago when Jesus carried and took all the sins of the world upon himself as the Son of God. He took our sins and in an exchange , He gave to us His righteousness as an inheritance. God is Righteous and the Bible says the penalty of sin is spiritual death. Jesus paid the price for our Salvation.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

John 3:16

If you haven't made the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior today or if you are a professing Christian and you need to be born again i offer you the Savior's invitation - there is a Hell to shun and a Heaven to Gain. You have a Hope, a Future and a Destiny in God.

why don't you Say this Prayer wherever you are right now , God knows the situation your in and He knows what your going through.

Say this prayer and mean it from your Heart and surrender yourself to Him..... that's all it takes... just surrender.

Let's Pray :

Father God,

You loved the world so much that You gave Your only begotten Son to die for my sins so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have Eternal Life.

Your Word says we are saved by grace through faith as a gift from You. There is nothing we can do to earn salvation, it is a gift , so Lord i accept what Jesus accomplished for me at the Cross of Cavalry.

I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Your Son, the Savior of the World. I believe He died on the Cross for me and bore all of my sins, and paid the price for them.

I believe in my heart that You raised Jesus from the dead on the third day and that He is alive today.

Have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I know that without you in my heart and my life ....this Life is ....meaningless.

Come into my heart today Lord Jesus...

By faith I receive Jesus Christ now as my Lord and my Savior. I believe that i am saved and will spend eternity with You in Heaven ! Thank You. Father God. I am so grateful. In Jesus name. You are my Lord and my friend.

I give you my Heart and my Life today and I ask You to take full control of this life from this moment onwards; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ."


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