Thursday, August 27, 2015

13 Year Old Atheist has a Vision of the Return of JESUS CHRIST

Sheila says..."This video was made at the request of many people to whom I sent the written message over the past several months. I try to send this message to 50-100 people a week randomly. I have prayed that God will lead me to send this to those who need it most and that they would be able to discern the truth in it. I don't believe in accidents, if you received it, it was intended so.

 People wonder what reason I have for sending it to them in particular. Many are going through things in their lives now that make them question, make them hungry for JESUS CHRIST. This vision GOD gave me is something tangible in this crazy time we live. People need real GOD given FAITH  to believe in now, when everything is totally not what it seems. JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth, and the Life Eternal.

I would like to clarify that what I had was not a dream. I was tired, but I never went to sleep. What I had was a wide awake, full-on, full color, 3 dimensional vision of the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ." 


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