Thursday, August 27, 2015

13 Year Old Atheist has a Vision of the Return of JESUS CHRIST

Sheila says..."This video was made at the request of many people to whom I sent the written message over the past several months. I try to send this message to 50-100 people a week randomly. I have prayed that God will lead me to send this to those who need it most and that they would be able to discern the truth in it. I don't believe in accidents, if you received it, it was intended so.

 People wonder what reason I have for sending it to them in particular. Many are going through things in their lives now that make them question, make them hungry for JESUS CHRIST. This vision GOD gave me is something tangible in this crazy time we live. People need real GOD given FAITH  to believe in now, when everything is totally not what it seems. JESUS CHRIST is the Way, the Truth, and the Life Eternal.

I would like to clarify that what I had was not a dream. I was tired, but I never went to sleep. What I had was a wide awake, full-on, full color, 3 dimensional vision of the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ." 


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Planned Parenthood Would Make Hitler Proud


Holly O’Donnell, who turned whistleblower after leaving StemExpress, said the child was the most fully developed she had seen up to that point. She describes in great detail how the newly aborted boy was rinsed off and prepared for dissection.

Her colleague called her over and, according to O’Donnell, said,Hey Holly, come over here, I want you to see something kind of cool, kind of neat.” O’Donnell said she was flabbergasted to see “…the closest thing to a baby I’ve seen.”


O’Donnell says, I am sitting here looking at this fetus and it’s heart is beating and I don’t know what to think.” She said the child had a face.  Its nose was very pronounced, it had eyelids and its mouth and it was still alive...planned-parenthood-cuts-though-live-babies-face-to-extract-intact-brain-abortion-01

 The medical technician said the child was quote "intact" and that they could “procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure the brain.” The tech told O’Donnell they would need to “go through the face.”  Without a second thought, the medical tech took scissors and tore right through the child’s lower jaw up through the mouth. “That was the moment I, Holly O’Donnell, realized, that as a human being, I could no longer work for StemExpress.”

No matter how many times these people fool themselves, lie to themselves, lie to each other,  abortion is murder most foul.  The lie of the devil is that abortion is about women's rights.  Just as the devil lied to Eve in the garden, so to, now the devil is lying to women the world over.  Abortion is not about women's right, it is egregious, soul destroying, evil, which haunts many women later in life. 

In ancient times women would take their babies and roll them into a fire underneath a molech statue, so that, they would have a bountiful harvest that year.   Now, in modern times, women murder their unborn children because they are to busy having a good time. The only thing that has changed, is now it's done in a doctors office instead of a pagan shrine. The result is still the same the slaughter of the innocent children.

There is a GOD in Heaven and no one escapes HIS eternal gaze.  There will be recompense for each and every murder of an unborn child.  No, man or woman will escape GOD'S justice.  No reason on earth will be sufficient to assuage Divine reckoning on Judgement day.  

At the final judgement, when you are standing face to face, before both GOD and your unborn child... What will you say? What could anyone possibly say as a defense for murdering their own unborn child?


Seek the LORD JESUS Christ! If you don't know what to pray, create a list of people to pray for. Then say a corporate prayer over the list of people. If you still don't know what to pray, just say the Our Father over each persons name. 

Be sensitive to what God is telling you. And if you need to pray more for one person more than the other. Then pray for yourself, your family, after you have prayed for everyone else.

God wants an Army of prayer warriors who will protect His people with the power of prayer that are also active and committed to do His Will. 

 "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." EZEKIEL 22:30

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

How to Avoid at all Costs Converting to Catholicism

As a Protestant convert to Catholicism whose journey culminated at the Easter Vigil earlier this year, I have some experience, oddly enough, in how to become a Catholic. For me, it was a particular, miraculous journey that I’ve been writing about for a few months now. For me, I can trace certain lines—a certain narrative—through nearly a decade’s long journey. In my own journey, I can check off certain boxes and say, definitively, yes, that made me become a Catholic.
So, naturally, I wanted to help others to avoid a similar fate.

For me, it’s too late, but there’s hope for you. If you can, with the help of our Lord and your closest friends and family, avoid these certain pitfalls, while I can’t promise, I can assure you that you’ll have a much easier time avoiding the trap that I fell into.
Friends, I offer some unsolicited advice: here’s how to not become a Catholic.

1) Don’t Ever Read Scott Hahn

One of the first mistakes I made as a Protestant was to read Scott Hahn.  Dr. Scott Hahn is a renown bible scholar, and Catholic convert. In the 80’s Scott and his wife Kimberly were part of a wave of famous Catholic converts from Protestantism. Dr. Hahn, a evangelical pastor, was radically converted to Catholicism and soon after his “conversion story,” recorded onto cassette tapes, started being passed around. The popularity of Scott, and then Kimberly’s, stories touched off a massive wave of Catholic conversions and encouraged the pair to write a book based on their experience called Rome Sweet Home.
Do not read Rome Sweet Home.

What you’ll discover is that Scott and Kimberly are intelligent, well-read, and well-meaning people. Dr. Hahn is now a highly renown biblical theologian, a prolific author, and a voice of authority, compassion, and expertise in the Catholic Church. He’s brought his evangelical fervor to Catholicism and hasn’t slowed down. And you, poor evangelical, thought that Catholics didn’t know their Bibles—and certainly weren’t charismatic.

Reading a conversion story as fulsome as Rome Sweet Home is dangerous. In the story of Scott and Kimberley, and the stories of other converts to Catholicism, you’ll see echoes of your own faith journey. You’ll encounter questions you may have asked, or may not have, but you’ll sure be asking them now.

And, if you’re not careful, your road may begin to take a slight jog to the left and you may find yourself at the very beginnings of a Rome bound journey.

2) Don’t Read Church History

A second, major mistake that I made was to read Church history—the history of Christianity.
I did my best. I tried to select a truly academic, historical overview from as secular a source as possible. I didn’t want history tainted by an overly Catholic perspective, a heavily Protestant point-of-view, or a work of pseudo-historical merit. I wanted the real, scholarly deal. I’m a History major, after all, so I figured I could hack it. I chose the 800-page Reformationby Diarmaid MacCulloch 

Don't read The Reformation by Diarmaid MacCulloch, a self-described lapsed Anglican, describes the time of the Reformation with sometimes mind-numbingly minute detail. It’s, truly, a thick slog and you could begin thesis work based on any of the small sub-sections MacCulloch includes. Suffice to say, however, his giant tome gives you a pretty intense overview of why the Protestant Reformers split from the Catholic Church in the 16th century and what was happening in culture and society in such a seminal time and place.

But reading Church History is dangerous.
From a fulsome reading it’s clear just how tenuous some of the decisions and attitudes of the Early Reformers were. How much of Martin Luther’s personal story of enlightenment is exaggerated. How much of his doctrine of justification and the very things he split from the Church over are driven directly by a manic personality. 

How so much of the Reformation was thrust forward by cultural, not religious, details. How politics, war, and the European dynasties proliferated and exacerbated tensions.

And, if you’re not careful, you might realize, like I did, just how shaky the foundation—the origin—of my Protestant faith truly was. And how adequate and immediate the response of the Catholic Counter-Reformation truly was in cleaning up places the Church of 1,500 years had gone awry.

3) Don’t Read the Early Church Fathers

A third mistake that I made was nearly fatal: I began to read the Early Church Fathers.
Understand, these are the apostles of the apostles, the Christians who were taught by the very first Christians that Jesus taught. These are giants of Christianity who had direct access to those who heard Jesus’s very words, and touched his flesh. As an evangelical I didn’t even realize that this material exists and when I did, I began to devour it.

Do not read the Early Church Fathers.
As a naive, curious Christian I began to read the Early Church Fathers only to find out that they were startlingly Catholic. The Fathers wrote about Jesus being really present in Holy Communion—not simply as a symbol. They wrote, endlessly, about the importance of submitting to Bishops and respecting the authority of the Church—a Church which, in their minds, Jesus began, the apostles continued, and then passed on to them, by appointing them into places of authority.

When I began to realize that the Early Church didn’t look like the evangelical tradition I had grown up in I was shocked, and then affronted. I was always told, as an evangelical, that “house churches” were biblical—that independent, small groups of Christians meeting in an “upper room” was what happened in the first centuries of Christianity.

Instead, the Early Church is decidedly Catholic in its doctrine and its hierarchical structure, and if you’re not careful, you may come to a similarly shocking conclusion as I did. And then what?


4) Stay Away From Great Catholics

The next mistake you might make is to meet some great Catholics. Don’t do it.
You may have already come to realize, at this point in your journey, especially if you didn’t heed my earlier advice, that there are some pretty amazing Catholics out there. Maybe you’ve read people like Scott Hahn, Stephen Ray, G.K. Chesterton, Frank Sheed, or Robert Barron. Sure, they’re great, and they’re vigorous, enthusiastic Christians (who are also Catholic) but you haven’t met them you, so you’re still relatively safe.

Be careful though, don’t meet any great Catholics in person.As soon as you meet great Catholics you’ll realize that right in your very neighbourhood, right in your workplace or your community centre or—heaven forbid—your local Catholic parish, there are actual Catholics

Catholics who might be trying, for real, to live out the Christian life. Catholics who are striving to represent Jesus to the people around them. Catholics who are devout. And those are the ones you certainly want to avoid, at all costs.

5) Don’t Start Living Like a Catholic

But, if you’ve already met devout Catholics there’s still hope, even at this late point in the journey I can offer this solid piece of advice: Don’t start living like a Catholic. You’ve been warned.
Because at a certain point in my journey towards Catholicism I realized that for all the book learning I’d done, for all the lectures and stories I’d watched, and for all the conversations I’d had (mostly with myself) I simply had to begin to live the Catholic life. I had to try it on for size and see if, living it out, it actually made any sense.

Don’t live like a Catholic! Don’t start going to Mass or asking for the intercession of the saints (because you’ll get it!). Don’t try to pray the rosary (it’s shockingly easy to learn!). Don’t dabble with the Liturgy of the Hours or Eucharistic Adoration because you might fall in love with these decidedly Catholic practices and then there’s very little I, or anyone else, can do to help.You may be, at this point, too far gone.


6) Don’t Surrender to God

But maybe there’s still hope, maybe the slope is not yet too slippery. Maybe your descent into Catholicism can be halted and I think I have some suggestions that, even at this late hour, can help to prevent your seemingly inevitable conversion into the Catholic Church.

Here’s one idea: Don’t give God an inch.Don’t, whatever you do, let up even the smallest part of your life to God’s control. He’ll run with it, and that’s the last thing you want.
Don’t yield your will. Stand firm, and refuse to be moved. I know, in the past, He’s gotten you through some tough times and difficult situations. I know you think you can rely on Him who is Eternal and All-Knowing to bring you through, safely, to the other side.

But you’re wrong!  The minute you give an inch to God, He’ll take a mile, and He may very well take you to a place you don’t want to go. A place of deep reverence, devotion, beauty and—on occasion if you’re lucky—sweet-smelling incense.


7) Don’t Pray

Also, whatever you do, don’t pray.
This could, ultimately, be your greatest mistake. You must simply stop praying altogether. If you insist and continue praying you may, accidentally, pray in a way you don’t mean to. Thoughts, petitions, or thankfulness are all well and good but something else might creep into your prayers and you might, by no fault of your own, pray for guidance in your faith journey.

You might pray for help, and then, friend, you’re done. Finished! You may pray, like I did, for God to help lead and guide you and suddenly all barriers to the Catholic Church might tumble down like those mighty walls of Jericho. And you might find yourself marching right on in.
Because God answers prayers, of that you can (and probably are!) assured. In this area you need to be maximally alert and abide by the old adage: be careful what you pray for.

God gives very good gifts, and loves us very much. That’s exactly what you need to be worried about


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Fleur-de-lis From Marie-Julie Jahenny, “The Breton Stigmatist” by E.A. Bucchianeri

From the beginning the French monarchy was specially blessed and chosen by Heaven.  According to tradition as stated earlier, the French kings were also descendants from the House of David, Christ’s royal house, yet, the first French king Clovis I (c. 466-511 AD) was a pagan.   He was married to St. Clotilde who was a Roman Catholic, but at the time, the Arian heresy denouncing Christ’s divinity, and therefore the doctrine of the Trinity, was gaining ground in the realm.  

Apparently, Clovis was open to conversion but was confused which was the true Christian faith, for he remained hesitant to embrace the new Christian religion despite his wife’s holy example and teaching.  It was not until he was on the verge of losing his kingdom to the invading Alemanni tribes that he made a vow promising that if he defeated these enemies he would become a Catholic Christian loyal to Rome, the same as his wife St. Clotilde.  
He won the battle and he fulfilled his promise.  Heaven blessed Clovis and secured the royal line of his descendants in a remarkable manner.  The Holy Spirit appeared over him at his baptism on Christmas Day 506 AD bearing a lily and a vial filled with holy chrism for his baptism.  The pure, three-petal lily was a heaven sent sign confirming the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and became the symbol of the French monarchy, the fleur-de-lis.  

The appearance of the Holy Spirit with the lily and the oil was an extraordinary miracle, setting Clovis’ conversion far above that of the miracle shown to Emperor Constantine.  Clovis had received heavenly-made oil, his anointing mirrored the anointing of kings as seen in the Old Testament, such as King David’s anointing by the prophet Samuel and King Solomon by Zadok the priest.  

Furthermore, with the appearance of the Holy Spirit, Clovis’s miraculous anointing and ascension to the throne was seen to be a metaphorical symbol of Christ’s anointing by the Holy Spirit.  Only twice in western history was a King anointed through a direct epiphany of the Holy Spirit—Christ and Clovis.  Through Clovis, Heaven had established the Divine Right of Kings.  
His miraculous conversion and heaven-sent signs were paramount in rooting out the Arian heresy, the French monarchy remained the protector of the papacy and the foremost defender of Holy Mother Church.   According to tradition, St. Remy, who officiated at his baptism, preserved the precious vial called the Holy Ampulla, the oil from which was later used for the coronation of all French kings. 

 However, the sacred relic was later smashed to pieces by the Revolutionaries in 1793.  The fragments were gathered together and are kept in the Tau Palace. 

Excerpted from: "Marie-Julie Jahenny: The Breton Stigmatist, Her Life and Prophecies"

From the beginning the French monarchy was specially blessed and chosen by Heaven.  According to tradition as stated earlier, the French kings were also descendants from the House of David, Christ’s royal house, yet, the first French king Clovis I (c. 466-511 AD) was a pagan.   He was married to St. Clotilde who was a Roman Catholic, but at the time, the Arian heresy denouncing Christ’s divinity, and therefore the doctrine of the Trinity, was gaining ground in the realm.  Apparently, Clovis was open to conversion but was confused which was the true Christian faith, for he remained hesitant to embrace the new Christian religion despite his wife’s holy example and teaching.  It was not until he was on the verge of losing his kingdom to the invading Alemanni tribes that he made a vow promising that if he defeated these enemies he would become a Catholic Christian loyal to Rome, the same as his wife St. Clotilde.  He won the battle and he fulfilled his promise.  Heaven blessed Clovis and secured the royal line of his descendants in a remarkable manner.  The Holy Spirit appeared over him at his baptism on Christmas Day 506 AD bearing a lily and a vial filled with holy chrism for his baptism.  The pure, three-petal lily was a heaven sent sign confirming the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and became the symbol of the French monarchy, the fleur-de-lis.  The appearance of the Holy Spirit with the lily and the oil was an extraordinary miracle, setting Clovis’ conversion far above that of the miracle shown to Emperor Constantine.  Clovis had received heavenly-made oil, his anointing mirrored the anointing of kings as seen in the Old Testament, such as King David’s anointing by the prophet Samuel and King Solomon by Zadok the priest.  Furthermore, with the appearance of the Holy Spirit, Clovis’s miraculous anointing and ascension to the throne was seen to be a metaphorical symbol of Christ’s anointing by the Holy Spirit.  Only twice in western history was a King anointed through a direct epiphany of the Holy Spirit—Christ and Clovis.  Through Clovis, Heaven had established the Divine Right of Kings.  His miraculous conversion and heaven-sent signs were paramount in rooting out the Arian heresy, the French monarchy remained the protector of the papacy and the foremost defender of Holy Mother Church.   According to tradition, St. Remy, who officiated at his baptism, preserved the precious vial called the Holy Ampulla, the oil from which was later used for the coronation of all French kings.  However, the sacred relic was later smashed to pieces by the Revolutionaries in 1793.  The fragments were gathered together and are kept in the Tau Palace. - See more at:
From the beginning the French monarchy was specially blessed and chosen by Heaven.  According to tradition as stated earlier, the French kings were also descendants from the House of David, Christ’s royal house, yet, the first French king Clovis I (c. 466-511 AD) was a pagan.   He was married to St. Clotilde who was a Roman Catholic, but at the time, the Arian heresy denouncing Christ’s divinity, and therefore the doctrine of the Trinity, was gaining ground in the realm.  Apparently, Clovis was open to conversion but was confused which was the true Christian faith, for he remained hesitant to embrace the new Christian religion despite his wife’s holy example and teaching.  It was not until he was on the verge of losing his kingdom to the invading Alemanni tribes that he made a vow promising that if he defeated these enemies he would become a Catholic Christian loyal to Rome, the same as his wife St. Clotilde.  He won the battle and he fulfilled his promise.  Heaven blessed Clovis and secured the royal line of his descendants in a remarkable manner.  The Holy Spirit appeared over him at his baptism on Christmas Day 506 AD bearing a lily and a vial filled with holy chrism for his baptism.  The pure, three-petal lily was a heaven sent sign confirming the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and became the symbol of the French monarchy, the fleur-de-lis.  The appearance of the Holy Spirit with the lily and the oil was an extraordinary miracle, setting Clovis’ conversion far above that of the miracle shown to Emperor Constantine.  Clovis had received heavenly-made oil, his anointing mirrored the anointing of kings as seen in the Old Testament, such as King David’s anointing by the prophet Samuel and King Solomon by Zadok the priest.  Furthermore, with the appearance of the Holy Spirit, Clovis’s miraculous anointing and ascension to the throne was seen to be a metaphorical symbol of Christ’s anointing by the Holy Spirit.  Only twice in western history was a King anointed through a direct epiphany of the Holy Spirit—Christ and Clovis.  Through Clovis, Heaven had established the Divine Right of Kings.  His miraculous conversion and heaven-sent signs were paramount in rooting out the Arian heresy, the French monarchy remained the protector of the papacy and the foremost defender of Holy Mother Church.   According to tradition, St. Remy, who officiated at his baptism, preserved the precious vial called the Holy Ampulla, the oil from which was later used for the coronation of all French kings.  However, the sacred relic was later smashed to pieces by the Revolutionaries in 1793.  The fragments were gathered together and are kept in the Tau Palace. - See more at:

Monday, August 3, 2015

Cardinal Vincent Nichols wants the Vatican to undertake a “serious review” of the vocabulary it used in relation to homosexuality.


Cardinal Vincent Nichols wants the Vatican to undertake a “serious review” of the vocabulary it uses in relation to homosexuality. Cardinal hopes gay Masses can be held first throughout UK, then the world.

The Masses, at the Jesuit Farm Street Church in central London, replaced the more controversial, so-called “gay Masses” that had been designated for LGBT Catholics at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Soho until 2013.

Key to the transition was that the Farm Street Masses are an extension of the Diocese’s pastoral care for gay people. LGBT Catholics join the regular congregation at the 6.15 pm Mass on Sunday evenings twice a month and meet afterwards for a social gathering in the parish hall.
Fr Keith Barltrop, who was appointed chaplain to the LGBT community by Cardinal Nichols earlier this year, said that the Cardinal would like to see the Farm Street Masses as a model for other parishes in his archdiocese. He added that the idea could be taken up by parishes in other dioceses.


The Farm Street Masses are similar to those said for the LGBT community in Chicago and Los Angeles. Martin Pendergast of the LGBT Catholics Westminster Pastoral Council said that any move to expand the model would be dependent on interested parishioners taking the lead.
Looking ahead to the October synod on the family in Rome, a briefing paper is being readied for Cardinal Nichols and Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton. The paper demands that the Vatican undertake a “serious review” of the vocabulary it used in relation to homosexuality.

Make no mistake, Homosexuality is an Abomination before the Lord.The WORD of GOD, the Logos speaks clearly and specifically on the issue of homosexuality. 

The WORD of GOD, as GOD Himself is the same today, as HE was yesterday, as HE will be for all eternity. 

Don't fall for the trap of evil men trying to re-write the BIBLE. Placing words in GOD'S mouth or removing words from GOD'S Holy BIBLE. The Devil did the same thing to Eve in the garden. Asking Eve.."Did GOD really say that?  Did HE really mean what he said?"

There is nothing new under the sun the devil's tricks are old and worn. Yet, man's ignorance of GOD'S written WORD allows the devil to use the same ole trick...over and over add nausea 

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13

In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.... Romans 1:27

do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men... 1 Corinthians 6:9  

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire... Jude 1:7

Jesus Christ-Light has come into the world, but men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil; for he that doeth evil hateth the light. 

The truth is not to their taste.  It is becoming obvious that fallen man will fight every way conceivable to worm himself free of the word of GOD.  

 A man cannot be brought to greater slavery than to surrender to his own degrading lusts. Homosexuals do not like to keep the truth of God in their minds, because they willingly commit crimes against their own flesh and abandon their Spiritual welfare to burn in their lusts. 

The nature of man, whether pagan or Christian, has fallen short of the glory of GOD.  Until, all mankind is brought into the faith of Jesus Christ, and renewed by Divine power of the Holy Spirit, there will never be truth or peace. 

The horrid depravity of the heathen, homosexuality, has infected the highest levels of the Catholic Church.  The truth of our Lord's commandments are in HIS written word. 
Strong corruption and his secret dislike to the will of God is now infecting the Catholic Church, just as it has many other seemingly Christians houses of worship .  How many houses of worship have fallen?  How many countries now worship at the alter of homosexuality? 

If the Catholic Church does not turn from this disastrous course it will suffer the same fate as Israel, who, many time, played the whore with Almighty GOD.  Israel was burned to the ground and sold into slavery for hundreds of years. If GOD did this to the apple of HIS eye, what will he do to those Gentiles who profess to be HIS children.

The Catholic Church will be brought low and chastised with fire.  Yet, you can trust in this...

 GOD will keep a faithful remnant, a small number who will NOT kneel before the error of homosexuality. And with them HE will rebuild a faithful, powerful, light filled Church.